Chicken Parmigiana (or parmesian) with Photos

I feel like such a lazy person, you inspire me. I am old enough to be your mother and you are my role model!
I cannot heap enough praise on you every time I read one of your "how to" threads. I do wish I lived near you, I would learn so much!! The way you post pictures of step-by-step makes me want to do everything you post. THANK YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN.
You are welcome. I like to be a person who can teach others something that adds to their own tool box of skills.

You should start a thread and show us that crochet you have been doing! I'll show you mine!
Oh my gawd!!! Angie, you are the absolute bomb!! That is the best looking meal, and the easiest instructions I've seen!! Girl you should have your own homesteading/cooking show!!...BYC's Cooking segment, sponsored by DIY..someone get this girl an agent fast!!! or call Oprah, she would love it!!..put THAT on your vision board, lol!! wow, what a meal, why cant you be my neighbor?!!
What? No one noticed my rooster? Or butterchurn? LOL gig

I saw it and your countertop! Is that stone? I want a stone countertop and bigger cabinets so, so badly. As always, your food pictures make me hungry. You're just so talented girl!

Have you thought of making some videos of yourself preparing your recipes and posting them? Nifty will have to make a whole 'nother forum for your videos!!!!​
I am printing out all your directions and might make it when Erin is home from college next week...she loves anything with spaghetti sauce on it!! Shame she isn't in school in Va. or she could pick you up on the way, lol!! I'm telling you...make some videos...we'll be seeing you on one of those instructional channels on TV! We can say...we new her when she was just a little peep on the BYC forum!!!!
Have you thought of making some videos of yourself preparing your recipes and posting them? Nifty will have to make a whole 'nother forum for your videos!!!!

Didi'nt notice Hen's comment until, great idea....what do you think Rob? pretty soon your little website would be linked to the food channel and animal planet, lol!!
On line videos will be of no use to us dial-ups!
It is not by choice that lots of us have dial up either.

As much as I would love to see Miss P on the food network....when would she have time for all our individual problems on here??
Her family would never see her and her days as she now knows it will be gone.........................yes, I don't want her to leave us.

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