Chicken perch location?


Apr 19, 2023
South Louisiana
Question is:
Go with horizontal perches or ascending diagonal perches?

Correct me if I am wrong but I think it would be easier to maintain horizontal perches with a poop pan underneath them vs ascending diagonal perches.

The hens would prob like the ascending perches better for the height but those would be harder to place the poop plans.

I just don’t know how to simply that poop pan issue. hahaha. complex problems, I know.

Poop boards rule. Just in case you didn't know.
I would not do a ladder style roost. As was mentioned, the one pictured has the rungs too close together horizontally so the birds on the upper roosts will poop on the birds on the lower roosts. And birds will fight over the higher positions. When everything is the same height, that is one less thing to fight over.
I've seen some clever people add a poop catch underneath non-horizontal roost bars. Some had a sloped board/metal or something solid like that underneath the roost ladder, have seen a piece of linoleum/vinyl sheet on an angle, have also seen a fabric "hammock" suspended there.

Here's some examples under angled ladder roosts:
Roosts of the same height removes the need for birds fighting over the top roost.

That said, I have a laddered roost. I intend to swap it out someday but it works fine for now. It gets very crowded on the top roost.

I don't use poop boards. I have hemp under the roost so it's decently easy to sift clean as it is.

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