What do you put under your perches and in your nesting boxes ?

Loving my girls

Jun 22, 2022
Hi everyone,
I am in a quandary and wondered if you could help ?
I currently use hemp shavings aka Auboise, Chanvre in the nesting boxes. It’s nice and soft and comfy for them. However now I don’t know what to put under the perches.
I used to use straw from the local farmer but my girlz got mites from it so I am concerned to try it again,
I tried sand but they kicked it everywhere while they made sandcastles,
I considered sawdust but felt it would be too dusty, and what sort pine or oak (we have sack loads of oak),
I even tried sheets of scrap paper laid flat - what a pain in the a** that was,
I used newspaper for a while but ran out and can’t get it any more,
I’m concerned about using the same product - hemp shavings - under the perches too as I read somewhere (or imagined it 🥴) that using the same in both places can confuse their little brains and they won’t know where to lay.

Any ideas or suggestions ?
I use pine shavings in both nests and under roosts as well as the main floor area.
I have never found it to cause any confusion as to where to lay at all in my many many many years keeping chickens.
I use pine shavings in both nests and under roosts as well as the main floor area.
I have never found it to cause any confusion as to where to lay at all in my many many many years keeping chickens.
Ooohhh, I would love to use Chanvre in both places. I love it, no dust, easy and cheap 😍
I used to use straw from the local farmer but my girlz got mites from it so I am concerned to try it again,
I guess it is possible to get mites from straw if chickens or other birds were around it but typically they get mites from other birds that are infested, especially song birds. If you feel that straw was really the problem then get more straw from another source.

I’m concerned about using the same product - hemp shavings - under the perches too as I read somewhere (or imagined it 🥴) that using the same in both places can confuse their little brains and they won’t know where to lay.
It sounds like people were confused, not their chickens. That would not be of any concern to me.

Any ideas or suggestions ?
I've used different things and many different things worked well. I use wood shavings from Tractor Supply on the coop floor. For the nests I cut tall grass from areas I don't mow and dry it so it is close to straw. I prefer something denser than pine shavings in the nests but that is just a personal preference. I need to cut those areas anyway and just let it dry for free nest material. Free is another personal preference.
I don't think you said, but I'm going to assume you don't clean the coop daily.... I do clean it daily and what I use under roost bars in my poop trays is sand and PDZ. I think the PDZ really helps with bug control and moisture. That said, when it's super cold in winter and they spend alot more time in the coop, I'll add a layer of pine shavings. If you're not cleaning daily, you could try pine shavings and PDZ....
I don't think you said, but I'm going to assume you don't clean the coop daily.... I do clean it daily and what I use under roost bars in my poop trays is sand and PDZ. I think the PDZ really helps with bug control and moisture. That said, when it's super cold in winter and they spend alot more time in the coop, I'll add a layer of pine shavings. If you're not cleaning daily, you could try pine shavings and PDZ....
Yes I do clean everyday, I remove the poops from under the perches and puff up the nesting box chanvre. Then I top up their food. Sometimes I clean the floor (lino) and replace the water.
What is PDZ ?
What is PDZ ?
It is the mineral zeolite.
Sold in the US as 'Sweet PDZ stall freshener' in the horse section of farm stores in powder and granulated forms.
It absorbs ammonia and some liquid.
Many, including me, use it on poop boards under the roosts in the chicken coop.
Hemp in both is fine, that's what I currently have. Personal preference, I'll likely switch out of hemp in the nests soon only because the smaller particles stick to the bloom more than larger shavings, but no the birds don't get confused as to where to lay.

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