Chicken Photos Thread

Thank you Chickrunfun! This is first ever dust bath! However, i am now nervous cause i learned chickens get some stick flea from sandy soil........, And my soil is sandy! But we laughed so much!
Your welcome. Hey! Look at you loaded up on baby photos! So cute. they don't stay little near long enough. I love how some baby breeds have the makeup look by their eyes.

It's a little bit of reading but this here link is got all kinds of talk on D.E.- Diatomaceous earth. It's a mouth full but worth leaning how to say it so you can ask for it at feed stores.
I use it in their favorite dust bath spots, sprinkle it all over the dang place in the coop and everywhere they sit or roost in the mini barn ( hen house-yes it looks like a mini barn )

We sometimes get ahold of them and do their underarms too because it's so warm and toasty under their wings and bugs like warm.
OK, got to get, weather says I'm about to start seeing that storm that's been the buzz. Got to "batten down the hatches" haha yikes aaaaahg! Hope my nickname a Noah don't come all the way true and me and the wife and all the animals and the kids go floating away!

My bantam cochin (I think Pullet) Cricket now at 6 weeks old.
My EE's (Left to right) Marmalade, Pepper, Goose, and spritz at 4 weeks old.
Left to right Marmalade, Pepper, Goose, and Spritz (10 weeks)

(10 weeks)

(4-5 weeks)

(6 weeks)

(8 Weeks)
(12 Weeks)
(12 Weeks)

My Houdans, Chickaletta and Dot, at 2 Weeks.
Chickaletta at just over a year.

My Cochin cockerel, Napoleon and my Brahma/OE, Gertie at 12 weeks.
7 Weeks old today! My cuddly "Asian Black" boy Vash. Still trying to find out exactly what these mysterious "Asian Blacks" are.


It is Sparta. She finally laid an egg yesterday but we went to the vet anyhow because her crop was very hard & full because of the back up on the egg. She had to get her crop flushed & she's on a medication for the next week to help make things process more normally & get her back to her usual self. That was quiet the scare!
I'm so glad your baby girl is doing better!
What a cutie.


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