chicken picking


8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
I have 30 layers and just lost two due to other chickens picking it to death. Is ther any suggestions why their doing this and what I can do to stop it. Thanks

We'd need a lot more information. My first thoughts have to do with coop size and/or diet. If the coop is too small to comfortably accommodate that number of birds, the stress will cause undesirous behaviors. Diet can also be a factor, if they are not getting enough protein. Let's start with some basic information. How big is your coop? How big is your run? How many nest boxes? How much roost space do they have? Do they spend any time free-ranging? What kind of feed are they on?
The coop is about 8 x30 feet I have a ramp going out side and they free range all over the yard. I have 28 nesting boxes.I have two latters they roost on probably 4 feet by 5 feet. A lot of them do free range but some do stay in the coop a lot. I get there feed from the mill in town and I'm not a 100 percent sure the ratio of protein. Maybe7?
Your coop certainly sounds like a good size and since they are free-ranging it doesn't sound like stress is the problem. Hopefully the feed is higher than 7% as that is pretty low. Most layer feed is 14-16%. However since they are free-ranging the amount of protein they are actually getting will vary anyway, depending on what they find. Lots of bugs = lots of protein and vice versa.

Is it possible the hens who were pecked had some kind of injury? Chickens tend to be drawn to injuries and peck at them curiously and it can get out of hand.

Sorry I'm all out of ideas hopefully someone else will have some better ideas.
hi brennen9, welcome---

If the two you lost were injured, that could explain the chickens pecking them, and subsequently it getting out of hand, as HEchicken said.

I have seen a device that is designed to put on the chicken's beak to prevent it from injuring another chicken, yet it can still use it's beak to eat and drink normally. I will be back with a link if I can quickly find it on internet.

Here is a link.....

not sure how it would work or how difficult to get in USA...but maybe it would be better than loosing chicken(s).

sorry for your loss, hope that there aren't any more.
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