Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Wow, StacyTN!

I can only imagine. I went from 7 to over 100, and I fin ally got down to a modest 17 and kept it there, BUT

I just had a relapse. I ordered a Brinsea 20 and a friend of mine who I gave about 20 chickens to, has to get out of the game, because her husband wants his wife back!!!!!


I guess I am duty bound to provide a home for her wayward birds, it was kinda my fault - her addiction and subsequent explosion from 5 hens that she had had for years "just for the eggs" - recently turned into 20(ish) of all varieties, most of which came from me!


I need to get out more and stay OFF the poultry websites!
Hi, all, I'm Chickenfan4life, and I currently own 25+ chickens, most being banties that lay egg hardly larger than a marble!!! Even though my Dad wanted chickens that laid real EGGS!!! We started with 5 chickens from Atwoods feed store, and every time we went back, I got another 2-3 chicks, until the chicken year ended, and we had a grande total of 45 chickens!
Sadly, ALOT of them were taken by dogs, cats, hawks, ect...
so we built a sturdy coop, and I mean STURDY!
We have a large metal shed and we sectioned off a part of THAT, fenced in the front, added a sliding door with metal panels across the front, and voila, a very safe, strong chicken coop. Call it lazy, but it really works when it comes to coyotes and coons and all other predators. In the morning, we just slide the sliding metal door and it leaves the open, unfenced front for the chickens to walk out of on their own. In the morning, they're all waiting at the coop door. Lol.
so it all started about a year ago, was talking th wife and kids about chickens. sounded like a good idea 10 or so would be nice. well on our way to the 100 mark 60 on march 8 2013 but have some on order should have 100 buy the end of the month. everthing from phinox to mutts
so it all started about a year ago, was talking th wife and kids about chickens. sounded like a good idea 10 or so would be nice. well on our way to the 100 mark 60 on march 8 2013 but have some on order should have 100 buy the end of the month. everthing from phinox to mutts
And so it begins! lol!
Well I live in an urban are so I can't fully succumb to my true underlying chook addiction! I have however gone from getting 4 bantams to what will be about 8 by the end of next week. I blame this on the many beautiful patterns and colours available in the Pekin breed and how small and easy to "smuggle" into the backyard when the DH is watching TV! It's also my hubbies fault for adding two Sussex bantams when my current focus is on little cute waddling pekins in a rainbow of colours. I'm still on the lookout for silver partridge, Mille fleur, lemon Pyle or cuckoo, lavendar and just any colours I don't have!! I sometimes think I need help with my addiction but then I see my little girls skipping out of the coop in a morning and happily foraging for treats and I can't imagine my life without them? They add life, character and a feeling of being close to nature that I've never experienced before. My only other animal addition has been my 4 tonkinese cats, 2 are 5 years old, 2 are 10 years old ... It seems every 5 years I get the kitten 'itch' and start browsing breeders sites. I caught myself doing this yesterday and thought "and so it begins ..." Haha ... Help!
Good day all. I believe I'm an addict?........ I moved onto a farm 3 years ago which was used for poultry production 1953-1970's. fast forward 40 years.....I have cleaned up and fixed up one of the old chicken houses for use. The east side is 30ft x 20ft and will be the hen house. The west side (same size) will be used for caged birds like Quail, Chukar, and the brooder a as well as a greenhouse with a grow light. So, currently I have 9 Euskal Oiloa Marraduna, 5 white Leghorns, 3 unknown breed from local Co-op, 3 Ameraucanas, 3 Black/blue Copper Marans, 5 Bourbon Red Turkey chicks, 12 Cortunix Quail, with eggs and chick orders still pending.....(12 Welsummer eggs, 12 Golden Laced Brahma eggs, 15 Black Java eggs, and 12 French Wheaten Marans eggs) also in incubator now 12 Frizzle Polish and 6 Blue wheaten Ameraucana. Pending chick deliveries.... 10 Blue/Black Copper Marans, 10 Blue/Black Ameraucana, 5 Welsummer, 4 laced Brahma, & 10 Blue/ Black Jersey giants. Whew...... So if I have a 50% hatch rate on my existing and pending eggs that will be 90 chickens. Oh did I mention the Ringneck pheasant, Toulouse Goose eggs, duck eggs and Chukar eggs still pending??? Did I mention I've never had birds of any kind???? What have I gotten myself into? At least I have 160 acres to freerange and more barns to convert if needed. So what do you think..... Am I an addict?
Hi, I'm Allison and I've had chickens for five years now and I haven't really gotten rid of any in large numbers. Let's see...I have three giant coops (one is even for retired hens XP) and then at least 7 smaller ones for bantams and polish and other fancy breeds. Hm...I go to Roots County Auction and get chickens every Tuesday and I've just recently started to expand to pigeons, turkies, and guineas. I have a whole album on facebook dedictated to my babies. We get about 7 dozen eggs per day and we have close to 150 chickens. :x I'm a sophmore in highschool and I missed out on prom just to go to a auction.
My friends say I have a serious problem and I should stop...but I love them all too much and chickens are just such great animals. :D Some people can become crazy cat ladies, I'm just gonna live alone with my flocks of birds.

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