
Dec 9, 2018
Hello everyone!
My hen keeps making sqwarking noises when she poops? She does vary small black ones so I was wondering what is making her sound as if she is in pain?
- she is 3 years old
- she is drinking and eating as normal
- she isn’t lethargic
- she is laying normally
- she doesn’t seem to have any worms in her poop
Has anyone else experienced this? It’s really unusual because it has come on suddenly. What should I do?
Is she just constipated and I’m panicking over nothing?
I haven’t checked her crop today but she does have lots of stool pasted on her bum, more than usual.
Get a pair of scissors and someone to help hold and trim off all that pasted stuff on her rear end. While you’re there get a good look at her vent. Pictures would help greatly.
Has she been laying eggs?
You might want to hold her butt under luke warm running water to loosen and soften any dried poop around her vent so you can gently remove it with your fingers. Then you could do further inspection of her vent for blockages, etc. Scissors would be a last resort, IMO.
Well we differ. Why wet? Trimming is EASY and you don’t have to dry afterwards. You can do it outside and not make a mess but to each his own.
Why would you call it a - last resort -? You have me curious.
However is good as long as the OP cleans it and has a good look & see.
Well we differ. Why wet? Trimming is EASY and you don’t have to dry afterwards. You can do it outside and not make a mess but to each his own.
Why would you call it a - last resort -? You have me curious.
However is good as long as the OP cleans it and has a good look & see.
When I clean her up what do I look out for?
See if her vent tissue is red or inflamed see if there’s any discharge. See if there’s a odor. You could also feel her lower abdomen see if you feel a egg (something hard). You could also check to feel if she is egg bound.
Use gloves if you have them. Lubricate your finger (any type of oil and insert gently into her vent.
Does she lay eggs? Is she old enough to lay eggs.
Does she seem to strain when she has her tiny poops? Have you noticed any other behaviors that are different or odd?
Are you able to get pictures of her vent area?
Hello everyone!
My hen keeps making sqwarking noises when she poops? She does vary small black ones so I was wondering what is making her sound as if she is in pain?
- she is 3 years old

- she is drinking and eating as normal
- she isn’t lethargic
- she is laying normally
- she doesn’t seem to have any worms in her poop
Has anyone else experienced this? It’s really unusual because it has come on suddenly. What should I do?
Is she just constipated and I’m panicking over nothing?
I haven’t checked her crop today but she does have lots of stool pasted on her bum, more than usual.
Check her crop first thing in the morning to make sure it's empty.

Since she is pasted up, then I would give her a good cleaning up.
Making a sound like she is in pain while pooping - she may be constipated or is having a hard time passing something. You can give her 1 teaspoon of mineral oil or coconut oil to see if that gets things moving. A little soak in a warm epsom salts bath may help relax her as well. While you are giving her a soak/cleaning her up, feel the abdomen for bloat/swelling or feeling of fluid.

Since this has come on suddenly, getting a fecal float to check for worms is a good idea. You won't always see worms in the stool.

Photos of any poop she passes and of her are always welcome.
I’ve checked her but I can’t get any pictures because she has lots of bum feathers. Her vent looks prolapsed and it looks quite red and sore it’s about the 2cm in diameter. She didn’t do an egg today but she did one yesterday when it all started. What should I do to get it the tissue back in?

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