Chicken Squat


Jun 7, 2020
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Hi all,

I am curious about this chicken squat thing.

I have read about it on various forums, and have witnessed it first hand amongst my flock in one of my ISA Browns and One of my Australorps.

Everywhere I have read about it suggest it is demonstrated by Pullets that are at POL and that egg production is imminent, but I am curious as to whether it continues throughout the life of the chicken or if it is evident in Pullets only?

I have two chickens laying of my 8 but am unsure which 2! I'm assuming that those that are squatting are the ones laying -- unless they're about to start (which they are long overdue to!)

I would assume the squatting continues as long as the chicken is laying as it is a submission reflex related to breeding, but I stand to be corrected!

Thanks in advance for any information!

It's a submissive posture, but often pullets that are about to start laying will squat as if to signal maturity. Hens coming back into lay after molt may also do so. Some people say none of their birds will squat, others get a lot of them to squat. Because I actively encourage it all my birds have squatted for me at point of lay, and before starting back up after winter molt, and that's with a variety of breeds. I currently have 2 non laying hens and neither squats any longer.
My birds all lay 7-14 days after onset of squatting. I regularly test pullets and post molt hens for a squat by simply reaching out for their backs/base of tail once their combs start reddening and plumping up.
When I got my 6 pullets they were all afraid of me for months. Around their laying age, all of a sudden they started squatting when I walked up to them and their demeanor toward me changed completely. Seemingly overnight, I could walk up to them and pick them up while they were squatting down. Seems to me like it is a sign of laying maturity but also submissiveness as they have all continued to do it when I walk up to them. I was so happy they were not afraid of me anymore because for a minute there I hd begun to regret not starting out with baby chicks.

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