Chicken toys? & Fun treats?

I spoil my pet House Chicken named Penny with Bread, a cake (for her birthday Derp), Bird seed, stuff like that. I lost a chicken that was just pure joy. Also, Penny is a bantam so she is very very spoiled. Penny is about 2 or 4 years old? I forgot. CHICKENS RULE!
i have 15 chickens...and get 10 to 14 eggs everyday even though its winter...they are young birds though 10 months old.....i give mine something different keeps them curious..they love a hanging cabbage ball...keeps them busy for a day or two...i love spoiling them!

That is pretty impressive! We have 11 girls about 11 months old and we are getting about 4-5 eggs daily with an occasional 1 egg day, grrrrr. We have "rope light" around the perimieter of about half the ceiling that comes on at 5:30am which is also when our automatic door opener lets them out into their protected run. What do you contribute your success in obtaining eggs during the winter?
That is pretty impressive! We have 11 girls about 11 months old and we are getting about 4-5 eggs daily with an occasional 1 egg day, grrrrr. We have "rope light" around the perimieter of about half the ceiling that comes on at 5:30am which is also when our automatic door opener lets them out into their protected run. What do you contribute your success in obtaining eggs during the winter?
i give them greens...a hanging cabbage ball everyday (that is if they finish the first one), or in freezing temps i give them shredded cabbage, i buy the bags that say has a few carrots in it too. and fruit, sometimes grapes, apples and watermelon. I also visit alot and talk to them...i sit on a stool and hold the ones that jump up there. oh i also give them a cup or two of dry oatmeal with their shredded cabbage at night..seems to make them happy lol...and they say happy chickens lay sure as they get older they wont lay as often. I also let them free range at least two hours in the evening. Except when snow is on the ground, then i shovel a path in their run area and spread alfalfa out there for them to forage. Seems like alot of work, but im retired and have the time..its well worth it to make them happy and safe!
i give them greens...a hanging cabbage ball everyday (that is if they finish the first one), or in freezing temps i give them shredded cabbage, i buy the bags that say has a few carrots in it too. and fruit, sometimes grapes, apples and watermelon. I also visit alot and talk to them...i sit on a stool and hold the ones that jump up there. oh i also give them a cup or two of dry oatmeal with their shredded cabbage at night..seems to make them happy lol...and they say happy chickens lay sure as they get older they wont lay as often. I also let them free range at least two hours in the evening. Except when snow is on the ground, then i shovel a path in their run area and spread alfalfa out there for them to forage. Seems like alot of work, but im retired and have the time..its well worth it to make them happy and safe!
I would love to let mine free range, but I have 3 dogs and Red Tail hawks are thick here. Been thinking about letting out, supervised, with dogs in.
I personally love to give my chickens dried meal worms or grubs. They go absolutely crazy for them and eat them in the blink of an eye. I also love to give my chickens plain yogurt, but it can get pretty messy (I have to wipe one of their faces off with a paper towel because she is so messy).
During the summer I put either watermelon or cantaloupe with the rind facing up in a gold metal basket. (it used to be a houseplant holder)

They go crazy and will peck until there is nothing left.

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