chicken with broken beak wont eat or drink

My Roo broke his beak tip off. I set him up inside, in his own large cage for a week. He too would not eat or drink. I made him scrambled eggs & mixed some parakeet seed, he did nibble that. I offered some grain bread, nibbled that too. Once it totally stopped bleeding in a day or 2, I used a tiny piece of a dry tea bag paper (coffee filter works too) and 1 tiny drop of super glue & made him a durable beak tip bandage that lasted days and allowed him to eat & peck. The bleeding must be completely stopped to get this to adhere, using a tweezer, and you have to get the chicken to sit still on your lap, best done with a very tame bird, which is why I pet mine often to keep them tame. The bandage may come off later with pecking at food. My Roo had his for awhile and as his beak grew I did have to apply another as he had a crack higher up, too. Eventually beak grew in, and I used a fingernail file (the soft ones at the dollar store) and gently shaped his bottom beak a little bit too. This was months ago and now his beak looks fine, can't even tell he had an accident. I found out what happened, he was pecking and trying to spar with a Roo neighbor, through the hardware cloth, so I had to change his coop section, those particular Roos cannot be right next-door to eachother.
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ive tried makimg soupey syringe feed but i cant get it to come out of thw syringe it just gets clogged and i cant keep his mouth open long enough to empty the whole thing without it going down the wrong pipe and him sneezing. what has worked so far is me just prying his mouth open quick and shoving food down.

For water - with his mouth closed -- think of it like greasing a door hinge. Using a syringe, just dribble the water at the corner of the mouth- don't hold his head or neck up.

Some will of course drip down, not to worry. They learn to get the water in their mouth and then they'll tip their own heads back a bit and swallow. Most birds I know LOVE sugar water, so mix some sugar into some warm water and see if you can get him drinking that way. Usually they'll perk up within 15-20 minutes of getting some sugar water down.

Just start off in an easy to clean area until he gets the hang of it.

Often when they haven't had enough to drink they'll be hesitant to eat- so he might start eating more if you can get him hydrated. Now that he's got some pain medicine on board hopefully he'll start to want to do it on his own.

Cold temperatures will be harder on the exposed beak, so warm is better.

Nutridrench can also bridge the gap - liquid nutrition in a bottle, same method as above. Bovidr Laboratories P-4 OZ Poultry Nutri-Drench: Pet Supplies
I would just try to get him to take some water on his own, and make a bowl of the wet chicken feed that @coach723 recommended earlier. His beak should feel better in a day or two. Chickens can live for days without food, but not water. Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell 1 ml daily would give some electeolytes and vitamins as well. Make the feed very watery and soft.

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