Chickens are the best pets ever!


8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
I never knew how much I would love chickens! Hubby surprised me last March with 2 chicks the kids picked out. I said fine, but no more! My 17 year old daughter was feeling left out, but I really thought 2 chicks would be more then I could handle. She went the next day and brought home a chick. I was very happy with them and then I started reading about the different breeds. I was really started to get attached to the chicks and the next week I brought home a cute little speckled sussex. The funny thing is, chicken math struck and now I have a total of 8 from the ages 9-2.5 weeks of age 7 different breeds! I have the older ones in the coop and younger ones in the brooder.

Each and every chick has their own personality! The ones that were very frightened have become very friendly. I had to handle them a lot, some more then others. I usually have a chick in my lap. I try and give equal attention. Everytime I sit in the coop, the three older girls jump on my lap. They love being pet, picked up and getting tons of attention!

I'm going to the chick store this afternoon to help my neighbor pick out a couple Easter eggers. It will take everything I have not to bring them home.

I think I have lost my mind! lol I often wonder if there are other people who feel the same as I do. I can't talk about the chickens outside my immediate family, they call me crazy for having them in the first place and tell me my chickens are ugly.

Anyways, chickens are the best pets ever!

I thought chickens were pretty, but the ones I had been around weren't friendly so I didn't think they'd make good pets. Mine have proved otherwise.
I'm right there with you. I was going to get three chickens and a year later I have 8. It happens...
My first adventure into chicken's has turned out great too! I got 8 str8 runs hoping for atleast 3 hen's and got just that, the 5 roosters will be going in the freezer with the exception of one that's crippled and will go in the compost bin.

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