Chickens In The White House! How can we make this happen!?!?!

I think a handwritten letter would show a more personal aspect, if you have the extra time to do this, I think it would help alot. I plan on writing a letter, Maybe if enough of us do this, they would think about putting some chickens out on that lawn.
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Nifty, If you find a way to get chickens on the white house, Maybe BYC can be recomended by the president?

.............................Yeah chances of that happening is like one in a million but its worth a try!

Well? Why not put something on BYC encouraging every member to write a letter? Maybe start a thread with a goal of a certain number of letters to reach, and have people post to say they sent one? I fully intend to send a letter now, and I'll ask some of my relatives to write one. If government officials are going to cave to any sort of pressure, it might as well be pressure in favor of chickens.
Funnily enough, my daughter began a letter to "Dear President Obama" just tonight (inspired by the Earth Hour for Kids website), and was asking me what she should say! This. Is. PERFECT. Who can deny an adorable little child, especially if there are crayon drawings of happy chickens??
Instructions copied from eHow:

ics » World Politics » How to Write To President Obama

By KRLawrence, eHow Member

President Obama is committed to having a very open administration and has welcomed the letters of citizens. It is time to make sure your voice is heard. If you have something you think that the President needs to hear, follow these simple instructions to get your message to his staff.

Difficulty: Easy
Things You’ll Need:

* Computer
* paper and pen
* Stamp

The easiest way to get your message to President Obama is to access the official White House website at This form will allow you to provide your contact information as well as leave a message of up to 500 characters.

If you have more to say or just know that you are long winded, you might want to take the approach of writing a letter. You can pen a letter and forward it to:

President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Okay, realistically you can not expect the President to read all of the emails and letters that come through. However, his staff actually does read more than you think. Be sure to put a reference line at the top of the document as it helps them get the letter to the appropriate source for screening. Who knows... maybe your voice could make a difference. Look at the amazing things that have happened recently.

A great way to get kids to learn to write letters is to encourage them to write to President Obama or his children. They can ask for a photo and share their thoughts about the recent events of our nation. My son sent a letter to Obama before he took office and got a signed photo as well as a nicely written (I am sure standard) reply. It still is something he will keep forever.​
This is a fantastic idea Nifty! I think I'll have my kids write some letters as part of their school work today.

Hey! Who else is gonna jump in on the great chicken movement of 2009?!?!

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