Chickens In The White House! How can we make this happen!?!?!

Presidential Chickens would be amazing...but it would definitely require someone at the WH have a lot of enthusiasm.

But if Martha Stewart could raise chickens, certainly Michelle could do it!

-Leigh from Pittsburgh
Doesn't the Queen of England have chickens? The Queen Mum had BOs, right? And doesn't the Prince of Wales free range his flock? So there is precedent for heads of state having a flock.

Contact the WH chef.

Start a BYC petition to send to the WH with a list of all the "pros".

I think it would be soooo cool.
Good idea! He would be setting a good example too! And as our nation's President people are sure to follow along!

And the psychological benefits. What is more relaxing than watching the chickens antics? It's no wonder our current flocks of presidents aged so much during their chickens!!!
well I finally did get on to the Atlantic Food site.

Further to the idea I posted earlier, on the Atlantic site I added that I think it would be great to send the Girls a basket of Silkie Hatching Eggs for Easter and invite them to share their experiences of hatching the eggs with threir own Blog~ ! I suggest Silkies because they are sooo cute and they would have a pretty little chicken to show off!

I think the idea of involving the beekeeper would be a great way to go. So whoever thought of it maybe you could do some research and find out how to contact the beekeeper. They would need to be prepared and actually accept the gift of the basket of eggs and whatever else comes with the "donations"!!

If there is someone that has or makes those cute little backyard coops to donate it would be a great boost to their business as well if they donated a coop to the girls.

Then we also need someone to donate an incubator.

I am in Canada so a bit limited about what I could contribute accept some ideas, but I do know that Vancouver BC and soon Winnipeg MB is opening up the city regulations to accommodate BYC up to 4! So the movement is getting on!

Keep the momemtum going anfd hoppefully someone will take the reigns to make it happen!

I think it would be a great idea. Chickens deserve respect. They are sweet little creatures. I bet the girls would enjoy collecting eggs too. They would be setting a good example for the country.
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