Chickens In The White House! How can we make this happen!?!?!

Really, it shouldnt be to hard to get chickens in there....the White House has always been full of turkeys and mules and greedy hogs and snakes that i think about it...., i KNOW there have been a few chickens(over the years) in there as well!!.......
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Perhaps talking to McMurray hatchery owner as added support. Also Martha Stewert maybe? Trying to think of bigger people that have chickens.

Although I have my doubts..far be it from me to not support our beloved BYC. I emailed the President and mentioned BYC as an educational tool in attaining a coop or raising chickens.
I also emailed the Prez, and suggested that the chickens would keep the garden bug-free (wouldn't have to have the secret service shake it down everyday).
Also, Michelle would grow to love Her chickens...
Well, Tom, yes the chickens would keep their garden bug free but also plant free
The two do not mix. Maybe guineas would be a better choice for the garden?
The reason I have chickens is because of the ecomony. If they closed the grocery stores tommorrow, I have meat and eggs. People who arent ready for the worst, will be the majority. Too bad they have lost the skills that our grandparents had.
I have always tried to be self suffecient. 54 and learning more.

They are starting to lay again and my new girls have also started.
Glad winter is behind us................................


Thanks byc, if its chickens its byc for info
OMG! I totally forgot about Ellen, she has her own brand of dog and cat food. She also gave the Obama family a White House replica dog house for when they get a dog. I am sure she would totally have some people on talking about chickens! If she was convinced she might make it her personal mission for them to get chickens
Just like when she wanted to be on cover of O magazine or when she wanted George Clooney on show she can be really motivated

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