Chickens killing each other


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 14, 2010
I have a small flock of mixed types of chickens. One of my original chickens was killed sometime this morning, she was smaller than the rest, but I have other small ones who are okay. This was my friendliest chicken and part of my original flock and has been with these other birds for 6 months why would they kill her now? I have lost two small silkies in the last two weeks. Is there something I can do? Seems like they kill a chicken when my husband or someone besides me feeds them. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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How many chickens and how large of an area do they live in? ) Are there too many "tigers in the cage?" Silkies may not do well if your standards are very aggressive and the silkies don't have hiding places or their own space. Also silkies will not fight for access to the food dish like standards will, and could be starving. (?) Could that be it or no?
12 chickens, probably a twenty five foot by 10 foot run. I feed the smaller ones seperately. Do you think my husband doesn't fee them the same as I do and that's causing them to fight?
I think you might have something else getting in there and killing them? A weasal will kill and leave it. How tight is your pen, is it totally enclosed or open on top?
It's open on the top just chicken wired the entire bottom to stop my dogs from pulling them through the fence, my fencing is an old dog pen. She was alive when my husband went to work, do weasels kill in broad daylight?
Wow! I think you have a couple of really aggressive "ring leaders," there. Crowding can cause aggression, but I do not think that is the case for most of us Backyarders. I have about 40 chickens (many youngsters) in a 14x12 coop with a 12x30 run. No aggression. No one injured.
How young were the silkies that died? If they were less than 4-5 weeks old, that might explain it. The only real violence we have seen has been between roosters or one instance when the flock tore into a couple of newly hatched (hours old) chicks.

You mentioned feeding practices. Do you have food available at all times? If you do not, I would recommend that as a first strategy.

Best of luck with this.
The OP said the one killed today was over 6 mos old. So not a problem of weak chicks dying. Still, silkies CAN be timid and passive enough NOT TO EAT if standards are aggressively dominating or guarding the food. It's worth asking hubby exactly how he feeds, and having more than one food station, and providing a place where timid chickens can take a break.
Also ,I'd probably set up rat traps around the outside of the run and see what you catch...

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