Chickie, Chiquita and Charlotte


6 Years
May 26, 2013
I'm Cheryl and this is my second try with chickens, I grew up with chickens and rabbits for food, later did chickens until the raccoons got 'em. I live inhe a different area, San Diego hills with a fenced yard and a local coyote. Had 4, now 3 as I let them free range and they picked the jerk next door to visit. Hopped a 5 foot fence. Thank heaven they came when called and went through the hole I made in the fence and are now cooped until I extend the fence with deer net. Two golden sex link and an Americauna. No eggs yet, golf balls didn't encourage.
Greetings from Kansas, Cheryl, and
! Pleased you joined us! Good luck on your second go round with chickens! You mentioned not laying - how old are they?
Definitely hens, all cluck, no crow. They seem their usual selves, love their treats, respond to "hey, chickens" by coming to the side of the coop to await my arrival. I think they are just a tad too young.
Hi and :welcome

Hope you start seeing some eggs soon. :D Our chickens are 4 and a half months old and they're not laying yet. You should see their combs get bigger before they start.

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