Chicks and fresh greens


Mar 20, 2018
How soon should I start giving my chick greens like fresh herb leftovers and grass? My chickens free range most of the year (they have a covered run for winter) and I’d like her to have fresh things to scratch in. Currently she’s eating medicated chick feed and electrolyte water. I don’t want to rush things. I just got her today.
Chicks can eat green food as soon as they have an appetite for it. Make sure you do the research to make sure you only offer things that are safe/palatable (Many “herbs” are useless/dangerous as fodder and “grasses” vary greatly, many being too tough for young chicks to actually eat and a few being poisonous.) lettuce, chard, and tender kale leaves are good examples.

also noted: you appear to be referring to only a single chick? One should never attempt to keep a chicken of any age alone, as it is basically inhumane—they are extremely gregarious animals and require the company of other chickens to be content, healthy, and well-adjusted.
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