Chicks "stuck" in Ohio?


11 Years
Feb 19, 2013
Pembroke, MA
I have an order of chicks coming from Meyer Hatchery. On the usps website, it says that its been in Ohio since Monday 4/15 up until now which is around 4:00 Wednesday morning. Is it normal for this to happen or shuld I email the hatchery to let them know?
Have you called your local post office to let them know that you are expecting live chickens and requested that they call you the moment they arrive - Meyer puts your contact phone number on the box of chicks?

Meyer usually hatches the chicks on Monday, packs them up per your order and ships USPS.

I have used Meyer for years - love both the quality of their birds ( I specialize in growing out, breeding and 'hobby farm' selling Heritage Breeds and Easter Eggers ) and their excellent customer service people and their 'arrive alive' guarantee.

Unfortunately I've had to 'put their guarantee' to the test as two 'orders ago' USPS took an extra day to get my 56 chicks to my local post office and when they FINALLY called me to say they
had arrived I found all but three of the 56 baby chicks had died. It was terrible. I learned a hard
lesson and it was at the expense of the poor chicks lives.

Now I don't order when the weather is too cold in Ohio. I live in north GA so it's quite a long trip
for the chicks.

Normally my chicks who Meyer hatches and ships on a Monday arrive at my post office very
early in the a.m. on Wednesday morning. The post office people know to be looking for them and call me right away and
I am close by so when I get the call I turn on the red brooder lamps and already have their large
plastic tub ( largest they have - works great for up to 25 chicks for the first week ) lined with
newspaper with waterer in place with marbles in the bottom part so they don't drown.

I also use the Vital Nutrients pack that Meyer sells - I put it in their water for the first week then
switch to putting small amount of apple cider vinegar with the mother in their waterer and continue that for their whole life.

If your chicks were shipped from Meyer on Monday they SHOULD arrive at your local post office early this morning so call them - my post office workers answer the phone even if it is before
'hours of operation' so maybe yours do as well.

If this is your first chick experience make sure to check them often the first five days for 'poopy butt' and if they have it make sure you very carefully remove it as they will die if it remains hardened there and they can't deficate.

Right now I'm growing out 56 chicks I got from Meyer three weeks ago AND 30 I hatched out as planned to coincide with the arrival of the Meyer chicks so have 86 adorable chicks who have recently 'graduated' from their pre-brooders I keep in my house for the first
two weeks into one of our two totally secure chicken coops.

Sometimes the box of chicks just dosen't get scanned into their system so it may be ok.

Post after you call your PO this a.m. and let us know what's going on.

Good luck - hope they are all ok when they arrive.
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Meyer sends their chicks via Priority Mail. Unlike UPS and FedEx, the USPS does not have tracking in real time. It will show they are still in Ohio until your local PO scans it upon arrival. I know this because in my business I do a lot of shipping through the USPS via Priority Mail. The tracking for my chicks from Meyer, which I received last week, showed the same thing. Don't know where you live, but don't be surprised if you get a call from your PO today, maybe tomorrow, and all of a sudden the USPS Priority Mail tracking will show they made it from Ohio to your town in a split second.
My chicks were just shipped from my pet chicken and the same thing is happening to me. I'm worried sick, because I live in New Jersey and should have got them already. It says that they are in Ohio, and it has said that since monday.
stewedmammal, where do you live? Do you also live close to ohio like me, or farther away? I'm so close to ohio that I think something went wrong...
Have you called your local post office to let them know that you are expecting live chickens and requested that they call you the moment they arrive - Meyer puts your contact phone number on the box of chicks?

Meyer usually hatches the chicks on Monday, packs them up per your order and ships USPS.

I have used Meyer for years - love both the quality of their birds ( I specialize in growing out, breeding and 'hobby farm' selling Heritage Breeds and Easter Eggers ) and their excellent customer service people and their 'arrive alive' guarantee.

Unfortunately I've had to 'put their guarantee' to the test as two 'orders ago' USPS took an extra day to get my 56 chicks to my local post office and when they FINALLY called me to say they
had arrived I found all but three of the 56 baby chicks had died. It was terrible. I learned a hard
lesson and it was at the expense of the poor chicks lives.

Now I don't order when the weather is too cold in Ohio. I live in north GA so it's quite a long trip
for the chicks.

Normally my chicks who Meyer hatches and ships on a Monday arrive at my post office very
early in the a.m. on Wednesday morning. The post office people know to be looking for them and call me right away and
I am close by so when I get the call I turn on the red brooder lamps and already have their large
plastic tub ( largest they have - works great for up to 25 chicks for the first week ) lined with
newspaper with waterer in place with marbles in the bottom part so they don't drown.

I also use the Vital Nutrients pack that Meyer sells - I put it in their water for the first week then
switch to putting small amount of apple cider vinegar with the mother in their waterer and continue that for their whole life.

If your chicks were shipped from Meyer on Monday they SHOULD arrive at your local post office early this morning so call them - my post office workers answer the phone even if it is before
'hours of operation' so maybe yours do as well.

If this is your first chick experience make sure to check them often the first five days for 'poopy butt' and if they have it make sure you very carefully remove it as they will die if it remains hardened there and they can't deficate.

Right now I'm growing out 56 chicks I got from Meyer three weeks ago AND 30 I hatched out as planned to coincide with the arrival of the Meyer chicks so have 86 adorable chicks who have recently 'graduated' from their pre-brooders I keep in my house for the first
two weeks into one of our two totally secure chicken coops.

Sometimes the box of chicks just dosen't get scanned into their system so it may be ok.

Post after you call your PO this a.m. and let us know what's going on.

Good luck - hope they are all ok when they arrive.
Ok, I have called the post office, and they said that they would let me know when they arrive. Thanks
My chicks were just shipped from my pet chicken and the same thing is happening to me. I'm worried sick, because I live in New Jersey and should have got them already. It says that they are in Ohio, and it has said that since monday.
Hope your chicks will be ok

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