Chicks tomorrow

:welcome Good luck with your chicks! They are very entertaining! Lol chicken tv is better than anything else, I love watching them when they are free ranging. They find all kinds of bugs and snakes and they get so excited when they find them. To keep them entertained while in a run make sure to have a good dust bath set up! And they love to roost also so tree limbs in the run are always a good idea, I have some and an old ladder in the run. Stumps are great too they like to stand on those. Now these ideas are for when they are older. ;)
Hello! :welcome! Chickens are very smart; they can be trained like dogs! Did you know they can even do agility courses? It's true! Clicker training can be used with treats, but of course, FOOD is the biggest motivator! You can amuse people by teaching chickens colors and shapes and then when they peck at the right one, they get a 'high value' treat. Like say, you have some scratch in a cup for normal treats, but when they do something really awesome you can give them a meal worm or something. Forgive me, I could go on for days...I am always amazed by how bright our chooks truly are! There are lots of different foraging toys or treat puzzle toys out there for chickens. Definitely give them a swing; they love them! You can make them with a branches and twine, or buy pre-made ones. I have a few at different heights.
OK, done with my ramble! Welcome to Chickie Land! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
G'Day from down under sweathergirl :frow Nice to meet you!

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