Chicks Wasting away 1 dead

I'm still thinking the DE might be an issue. Here is the MSDS on the product she is using -- Stall Dry. It's for horses, but I don't know that that makes it safe for baby chix???

And, hey (!!!!) I'm not trying to blame anyone, but there's been a bit of a brouhaha in my local chicken forum about DE, so I'm on alert on this subject....


AND, by the way, to the OP: my really heartfelt condolences !!!! It hurts like ##$$%&* to lose the critters we are responsible for. I know your heart must hurt a lot....
I would go get a new bag of feed. A different brand than you are feeding. You may have gotten a bad batch of feed.
A friend had over 100 chicks die from a bad bag of Purina, and we had some get really sick from bags bought at the same time from the same place. We switched feed, burned the old feed, and we don't use Purina anymore. Now, I'm not attacking Purina, I just have never had good luck with any of their feeds.
I almost lost my mare because of Purina feed, and have had dogs get violently ill from Purina dog food.
Every feed company can sack some bad feed from time to time, and you may have gotten some bad feed.

Thanks all for the condolences and the help,,,,,I dont think I will use that DE either because on the website it doesnt have anything about grade and it just says to keep your stalls dry, but itsays ok to use for cats too butwho knows? I just dont know half the time---- there is a person in town who gives me advice and then I find out its wrong (IYIYIA)
,,,,I will try to find a different kind of DE,,,,,well at least now I know for future reference not to give them that feed and medication. If I just give non medicated they could probably grow immune to it and be healthier any.way

well hopefully the little guy will make it

Thanks Again
Stall Dry may say it is safe for chickens but I would not advise it being used where chickens peck and scratch and ingest particles.

The only form of DE that is safe around chicks is Codex Grade Fossil Shell Flour. Permaguard brand is one of the top name brands on the market. It is 99% Diatomaceous Earth.

If the DE is not codex grade it is not food safe and contains alot of silica which is poison. Stall Dry is NOT pure food grade DE.
Do you think that is why they had blood in poop?

I will check that link cjeanean

So I would have been better off not using DE

those poor chicks, they are so sweet and some dumb human really messes up their life

a plug for Purina: My cat can omly eat Purina Kitten Chow, any other kind he throws up
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well thank you for the info: I feel better and worse. I think I know what happened so I feel better and I think I know whatt happened so I feel worse :|

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