Chicks will lay anywhere they can!!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 25, 2011
NW Georgia
My chicks come in to the fenced in backyard every day,so I dont have to chase them. I was looking out the kitchen window when one of my barred rocks went under the lumber we have stacked out back. I thought what is she doing? Then I realized she must be laying there. I got my flashlight and went to see. Sure enough there is a couple of eggs there(I thought). I had to get my hubby to help me move the lumber and I found a total of 10 eggs!!!! 1/2 of them were nasty so across the fence they went. But Im going to try the other 5. They could only have been doing this the last month.
How longs would eggs keep in this environment?

I also will have to set up a nest area. I tried to create one under the lumber I closed off the back with wire and boards so they have a leaf nest that is easier to reach. But I dont know if they will use it or not. Im not thrilled in sticking my hand back in there to far. Its also a good place for snakes.

I got a whole new conception of chickens and there laying habits.
This time of year in Georgia, its more like having them in the refrigerator out there, out of the sun. So they can be good for a few weeks if you haven't gotten a hard freeze that freezes them. Couple of weeks into the spring, well you know the weather where you live.
You'll have to find my previous posts about hidden nests. I've found 2 nests with 90 eggs total!!
Get those girls in line before it's too late!!
Oh my gosh! I wondered about where they were laying or if they were. My hubby ended up cleaning the wood pile out. I have a potting table with a shelf under neath, Im going to try to enclose it and see if they will lay on that. 90! eggs. Wow. were you able to use them or did you pitch them? I wasnt sure, so Im throwing mine out. I didnt care for the nastier than usual smell.
You have to look everywhere you would never think a chicken would go!! The first nest I found was behind the coop and the barn wall (18 inch space). There were 35 in that one. The second was under a pile of wood in one of our barn stalls. That one we had 55! I cooked most of them (I still have some to cook) and giving them back to the hens. It's frustrating wasting all of those. Many from the first batch sank when water tested, but I have a hard time selling them if I have a hard time eating them myself! I have created a lot of little spaces in the barn that are dark. The hens love it and so far think they are gettin away with something!! :) They will be in for at least a week, if not more!

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