Chicks will not eat treats! Crazy!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 26, 2010
I have 3 week old chicks that I have tried feeding two things that I have read in posts that they should just love! I tried blended up hard boiled egg, and then I tried plain yogurt. In both cases, the most dominant chick tried it, but then turned her nose up. Is this common? Also, is it okay to try to give them a few small worms from the garden?
I had the same problem. As they get older, that will change. Soon they will come running up to you when you get close. I used to talk to my chicks all the time when I fed them. Now they recognize my voice and come running even if i'm 30 feet away!
Relax, your doing fine. It's not you. Soon they wont want anything else but treats
Just give them time, some chicks have more adventurous tastes than others. You can try imitating a Mama hen, tap the dish with your finger and say "bok-bok-bok-bok!", maybe take a pinch of the food & drop it near them. They may be too young to appreciate yogurt, and maybe should wait for the worms. They might enjoy digging into & pecking at a clump of grass or weeds with the dirt ball intact. And a piece of cooked spaghetti could have them playing tug-o-war and keep-away!
My chickens didn't seem to care for yogurt much either. Their favorite treats are first kingworms from the petstore, and second place is grapes cut in half. We cut the grapes since they are bantams which I wouldn't bother to do for standard sized chickens. Earthworms are fine to give them. I found the youngest birds came for these before other treats.
I had a magic transformation in my girls from 3 to 4 weeks. Before they could not have cared less for any kind of treats. Now they eat tomatoes, strawberries, grass clippings, dandelion leaves, mealworms and particularly millet seeds. I give them a cup of grit to eat as needed. They LOVE the sound of momma getting the treat bowl ready!
My chicks took several times of me just putting my hand in the brooder. Then after a week or so I put a little chopped egg. Just left my hand there. Still not much interest. But after a few times one got too curious and tried it. Now they come running when I come out to the run.

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