Child taken off plane because mother slapped her...

Yea I can't hush. Its not wrong to spank a child for pities sake. Ask mine if I love them. Ask them if I have spanked them. Heck even my pediatrician knows that I have spanked them. I don't hide it. Am I beating them or abusing them. Heck no. You look at my kids and they are the most verbal, outgoing, confident, loud, and fun kids you have ever been around. I get comments about it all the time. I also get comments on how mine are some of the best behaved. I think they are little heathens but when we hang around the other kids mine are bloody saints by comparison. Spanking are not the only punishment but its part of the parenting tools I use. Spankings are for specific types of offenses. Anything that can cause physical harm for instance are a big spanking offense. You try to hand your baby brother a snake you caught in the garden. Oh such a spanking time. You run in front of a car because you are being a little idiot and feeling a hyper moment such a spanking offense. I do punish for attitude too. I try to be somewhat respectful when my kids talk to me. I listen carefully. I acknowledge what they are saying. I show interest. When I speak I expect the same. A disrespectful attitude is not accepted by me. I do not yell at them, they may not yell at me. I do not tell them I hate them, they may not say the same to me. They have on occasion. I tell them I love them anyway and to plant that tush in their rooms until they can be respectful and apologize. They will thank me for this later in life when they have control over themselves and do not lash out at someone they love and ruin something. There is always an apology and there is always a request to cuddle, even by the 10 year old, afterward. There is a huge difference when you punish lovingly and punish in anger

"Despite the several attempts above to rationalise physical child abuse it is in fact no more than, at the least, an admission of failure by the parent"

That is so far from the truth. I have no reason to admit failure and yet i still use physical punishment. All physical punishment is not abuse. Physical punishment is not a lazy way out. Actually you really have to take your time. You talk to your child, you work with your child, you may end up spanking your child, you will reassure your child, you will reinforce the lesson you are trying to teach. I'm not lazy. I'm not stressed. Well at least not with my kids. Adults stress me. Kids are a joy. You cannot judge what you do not know. You can try but you'll be wrong. Heck I take my kids everywhere. Find someone who has meet them at a chicken swap meet how low my kids self esteem are. How quiet I force them to be. lol loudest most over confident, vocal, and demanding children I swear. They are a joy to be around though. Its just wrong to think someone spanks because they want them to shut up, go away and stop taking up their time. Some parents might feel that way but you can't paint everyone with the same brush. The same way I would never paint everyone who chooses not to spank as lazy parents who do not love their kids enough to teach them self control, discipline, and respect. I know thats wrong because I know parents who choose not to spank and have still managed to raise loved, diciplined, self controlled, and lovely children.

Anyone who says that you can't spank a child and raise a well balanced, confident,and loved child who will be a well adjusted, confident adult is wrong. I can look back and the screw ups in my life were of my own creation. They had nothing to do with my parents spanking me. My husband was actually abused by a step parent and is less messed up than other adults we know who never had a spanking in their life. Oh I loved the Christmas where one of them decided to sit the whole family down and tell them how they wounded her and scared her for life. ( brought on by the advise of her shrink) There was something about an auntie who refused her cookies and made her finish the vegetables on her plate and thats why she is 100+ overweight today. Too funny! Seriously it was too funny.

Don't spank your kids thats your choice. It can be the right choice for some. Don't assume though because other parents chooses to have spanking as part of their parent tool belt that they are bad parents and their children are doomed to be damaged, unbalanced, unhappy adults. Its not true. Was this mom out of line. Oh heck yea but the discussion has turned from true abuse to any physical punishment being abuse and thats just false. Its a parents choice on how to raise our kids. We each do the best we are capable of. There are those who cross the line and there are laws that deal with them. Most spankings are not abuse. Actually a lot of abuse seems to take the form of fists and throwing. Not spankings.

Ok I'm done. Thats my two cents on the whole thing. I am not super religious but I'll toss this one out anyway. " judge not lest yea be judged." Ya never know how that judgment will swing, ya know.
Sounds a bit like my home... I have said," I have had it".. many times... my 4 would high tail it to their rooms or what ever... then I would have dinner or a treat... it was just my way of saying... let me be a bit. I had my hands full with an invalid MIL, sometimes the kids could push me to the limits... but all in all they were good kids... maybe it was the angels giving me a break..

My girls now... two have one child and the other one has two... they often come up to me and ask, " How did you do it mom?, I don't remember us doing this stuff?"... I just giggle...and try and help them out... I really do believe that angels had their hand in helping me..."the old saying, he doesn't give you more than you can take" sticks with me...I always think... somewhere there is someone in a much worse situation... so why complain and get all worked up...Life is too short to leave awful memories, SPREAD CHEER, NOT FEAR.
We need more people like you in the world.

I never outright told my parents I hated them. I always went to my room when I was upset with them. That was my way of controlling myself. I usually ended up reading or drawing, and eventually I forgot what they did wrong. I can't seem to be face-to-face with someone I'm angry with without snapping at them. I discovered this when I was seven. Didn't get a good beating for years. Only my little brother. I even smacked him once for ruining my room. And I think once he messed with my eggs, killing ten of the chicks. I get back at him by calling him Augustus Gloop every time someone reminds me of the show Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. Of course he always gets me a piece of gum and called me Violet Beauregarde (or however you spell it) when I put it in my mouth, but I'll get that kid someday.
Exactly. I think Zeke and I have more of our father's genes in our brains...
A spanking ALWAYS worked for mom....but NEVER him.
The best way to punish me was to talk me down or call me bratty...or say that I couldn't speak to them that way.
I was upset, of course...but the memory went after a half hour.....and I NEVER did that again.
A spanking however I would remember for a good five or six years until I wanted to kill someone...
Haven't found what works for Zeke....but we will someday.
To HeatherLynn, what you are talking about does not really sound abusive. You have a fixed set of rules that the kids understand and they know the consequences.

It is pretty different from where one day, the kid runs in the street and the parent laughs, and the next day he does the same and he beats him and shuts him in the basement for two days.

Say the kid who pouted out his lip a little bit when told to go up to bed (doesn't refuse to go to bed, mind you, just sticks out his lip a little) and instead of saying, 'You can pout all you want, it's bed time', Dad takes the kid and makes him stomp his feet on the floor til both his feet are broken, about six hours of stomping, and after the first foot broke, he hand him stand on the broken foot and stamp the other.

You see a difference between a smack on the butt for running out in the street, and the Dad breaking both the kid's feet, right? I do.

I kind of am in the middle. I respect some parents get good results with the occasional paddle on the rear. But I also realize the trend today is away from that, and some of us older people might find it odd and uncomfortable.

But I think there is a flexibility, within reason, of how to discipline kids. There is middle ground where things can shift a little this way or that, the kids will still work out ok.

I know parents who use spanking and are ineffective and inconsistent. Their kids are bad acting and grow up to be in trouble.

And on the other hand I know parents who would never spank and their kids are ALSO a mess.

So what is the secret? I think there is just a lot more to being effective and consistent than 'spank or no spank'. COnsistency, reasonableness, age appropriate expectations. Say, I don't expect a 11 month old to stay out of the road. I put him behind a fence.

There's good in this shift and there is bad.

We can get to the point of being really impractical and making kids so they can't even function in society because they can't even do what a boss tells them, or a policeman, if we go too far from having sensible rules and enforcing them.

But maybe it's good to have some feeling that there is a limit to punishment and a place for it, rather than, say, the extreme brutality some not so normal, ordinary parents use.

I am not sure I would spank a kid for handing his sister a snake. Most snakes are harmless up here. If I lived around a place with lots of rattlers and cottonmouths, I would figure no little kid is going to tell the difference between 'ok snake' and 'not ok snake'. I would handle it differently. I probably would give a punishment. If the kids traveled with me a lot or got out in the woods, it might be a lot smarter to have a 'no picking up snakes' rule.

Spank? Probably not. I just am not one to spank. He might find himself dragged up to his room without all his computer games and tv for a while, though if it had happened once before, I'd probably do a lot more.

I kind of like the idea of restitution and that was how my mom often handled things. If they do someone wrong they need to make it right. Break a window? Pay for it, earn the money.

Late to get ready to leave? Mom is going to sit in the den with her purse and coat on, and watch TV, when it's something we want to go to. And she would be sitting out there giggling so hard she would bounce in the chair, just waiting for us to come out and say, 'COME ON MOM!' and she would just laugh and hold up the car keys. 'Yoooooo can't driiiiiiiive'.

But she never sprung it on us. We knew the rules, there were no tricks or surprises. She would say, 'You play ball with me, I play ball with you(we got tired of hearing it, LOL). You want to go to the movies this afternoon? Then be ready on time for church'. But it was how we learned that rules are for people, for a reason, so everyone gets along.

She told me when I was an adult, that she had wanted us to learn consequences. That most rules are for getting along with other people, and that we had to learn why there were rules, and what happens if you don't respect other people.

In her family, everything was a beating. Oldest brother got mad, had a bad day? All the littler ones got beat. And I mean beat. Not spanked. Beat. Beat so they could not walk. My mother ran away from home when she was 14 and started working. When she brought home groceries and money, the older boys beat her for not bringing more. She stopped going back. She would spank us if we did something really bad, but more likely, a rough yank on the arm or a scolding.

She often said she wanted us to learn a better way and that she carried all those beatings around with her all her life, and that was not going to be how we were to live our lives, or our children's children. She said, 'that all ends with me'.
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I sense some anger in your words. With respect to you, and I'm sure you are a good parent, if your children are still young, you cannot yet know whether your corporal punishment is good for them. I have worked professionally with many adult survivors of various forms of abuse in childhood and am convinced that 'spanking' is not worth the risk of permanent emotional damage it can cause. In addition, if it's not right for us to 'spank' the neighbours' children, how can it be right for us to do it to our own?
Its not anger, its more frustration. There is common sense just waiting to see the light of day, instead everyone wants to cookie cutter every method. This works for me so it must work for everyone. Life isn't like that. Kids aren't like that. I get irritated with blanket statements that are so obviously to me not true.

I am a very common sense type of person. I love logic. I need accuracy. When a blanket statement is put out there like" duh everyone knows this is how it is in every case and every instance" I feel a little braincell shriveling up and dying. No its not anger, just annoyance. I know I am a good parent. Its not cause I am skilled or perfect. I love them enough to work hard at it and I am prepared to apologize when I am wrong. I didn't take the post as a judgment on me personally because the poster doesn't know me. I just got a tad irritated. Its good to recognize true abuse and deal with it. Confusing it with true discipline just muddies the water.

My children are still young but at 10 I also know that many things are already set in stone for my older 2. There are other things to work on but some things have already stuck. I am good with that. Honestly now that they are older I no longer have to spank. I think they have each maybe had a single spanking in the past year. I know that they are well behaved. I know that they are very articulate, confident, self disciplined, and thoughtful. To me that tells me I am on the right track with them and to keep going. My 2 year old on the other hand still needs a firm hand and the discipline I can provide. Spankings have no affect on him and other parenting tools are being used. Later on maybe spankings will come in to play. Like I said life and kids are not cookie cutter.

So no I am not angry just cranky. I try to bite my tongue but the arguments were getting so far off topic and so far away from common sense and respect I got irritated.

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