Chocolate Orpington Rooster


6 Years
May 11, 2016
Hi, This Morning I went to let my chickens out of the coop and into the run and I noticed that my Chocolate Orpington Rooster didn't come out , so I go in to the coop and he was on the roost pole and wasn't coming out so I get closer to him and both of his eyes are shut and I touched his face and they wouldn't open I don't know what to do I just got him and a hen a week ago and they have been doing fine, Any Help would be appreciated......... Do I need to separate him from the rest of the flock or what!!!!!!!!!!! I hope someone knows what to do!!!!!! Thanks ~Nathan
Hi, This Morning I went to let my chickens out of the coop and into the run and I noticed that my Chocolate Orpington Rooster didn't come out , so I go in to the coop and he was on the roost pole and wasn't coming out so I get closer to him and both of his eyes are shut and I touched his face and they wouldn't open I don't know what to do I just got him and a hen a week ago and they have been doing fine, Any Help would be appreciated......... Do I need to separate him from the rest of the flock or what!!!!!!!!!!! I hope someone knows what to do!!!!!! Thanks ~Nathan
How old is he?
Are the eyes swollen?
Any signs of respiratory illness?
Is he eating/drinking/pooping?
Crop emptying normally?
Any photos or video of him?
Can he walk, is he lethargic, weak, puffed up, etc.?
What does his poo look like, any blood, mucous, foamy, normal?

You may want to separate him so you can monitor his condition, poop, food/water intake.
If you have them, provide some poultry vitamins/electrolytes and his feed, if he doesn't want regular food, then you can try some scrambled/hard boiled egg, tuna or meat. Keep him hydrated.

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