Christmas Setting - First Hatch

Hi I'm also new at this whole hatching thing! I have a hen getting ready to hatch eggs -"and this is my first ever hatch because I'm only 14! But do I need to put small size chicken wire around their chain linked fence run? Or do I bring the mom and eggs in a brooder box?
I have no clue about hen hatches, I am just now learning about brooder hatches, but I have read that she might not be willing to move from the nest that she established. Is she in a nest box now sitting on the eggs?
So I am at Day 5 1/2 and my egg candler arrived. All I can see is the darker area at the large end of the egg (likely the air sac). The eggs look very porous but I cannot see any veining or dark spots. I was nervous taking them out of the incubator, so I may spend a bit more time with them in a few days to study the issue. Surely, the breeder wouldn't have sent me all clears! I have a dandy little LED egg candler though and my incubator is doing very well. The humidity is at about 53% all of the time and the temperature is holding steady at 37.8.
I've just candled mine and all three chicken eggs and all four quail eggs are developing :weee
We candled today and were able to see moving embryos!!!!!! I nearly flipped! We saw at least 3 moving and only one possible clear. There are others that may end up being quitters but I am super happy!
Congrats!!! All my chicken eggs are still doing well. I think one quail egg quit but we shall see.
I have candled all of the eggs twice now and I must say I am really pleased with the results. I was cautioned about buying eggs on eBay and having them shipped, but so far I have identified only 1 clear out of 24 (which I discarded) and only had one damaged in shipping. Out of the remaining 22 eggs, we were able to identify 17 moving embryos on Day 12. I am leaving town for the weekend so I am a bit nervous about it but I intend to sort all of the moving guys to one side of the incubator tonight. By my calculations, Monday will be lock down day. As I understand it, I am to remove the egg turner tray and lay the eggs out. My temperature has run constant at 38.1 and humidity at about 50%. What should my temp and humidity be during lockdown?

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