Clean Blonde Jokes!!!

A teenage blonde girl had been talking on the phone for a half n' hour, then she hung up. "Wow!", her father exclaimed,"You usually talk for 2 hours, what happened?" She chirps,"Wrong number!"
A blonde,a brunette, and a red-head were walking on the beach. A seagull flies over and poops on the blonde's head. In a disgusted voice, the brunette says," The bathroom is over that hill, I'll run ahead and grab some toilet paper." As she leaves, the blonde laughs. "What is so funny?", the red-head asks. The blonde says," Look at her. Blondes are supposed to be stupid, and when she comes back, the seagull will be already gone!"
A blonde, brunette,and a red-head were stuck on an island. They searched the island, and found a magic lamp. The genies granted them three wishes. The brunette says,"I miss my husband and family. I wish I could go home." *POOF* She disappears. The red-head says,"Me too. I wish I could go home." *POOF* She also disappears. The blonde starts bawling. "What's wrong?", the genie asks,"You still have one wish!" "I wish my friends were here!", the blonde cries.
Two blondes were walking down the street. One says,"Look at that dog with one eye!" The other covers one eye and says,"Where?"
A blonde came home from her first day commuting to the city. Her mother noticed she was pale and asked,"Honey, are you feeling alright?"
"Not really", she replied,"I'm nauseous from sitting backwards on the train." "Poor thing" her mother cooed,"but why wouldn't you ask the person sitting across from you to switch seats?" "I couldn't, no one was sitting there."
I have too much time on my hands....
There's a brunette, red head, and a blonde are working on a bridge. At their lunch break the brunette opens his lunch box and says "man! If I get a sandwich tomorrow I will jump off this bridge!" The red head opens his lunch box and says "darn. If I get Mac and cheese tomorrow I will jump off this bridge!" The blonde opens his lunch box and says " salad again! If I get salad tomorrow I will jump off this bridge!" The next day they all have the same lunch and they all jumped off. At the funeral, the wife's of the brunette and red head are crying, but the wife of the blonde is cracking up. The two wife's ask the blondes wife why she's laughing and she says " I'm laughing because he made himself lunch!"

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