Cloaca plugged - pictures in post

So I found a few interesting stuff inside. The first one was the unbearable rotting smell. I am not sensitive to poop smells on a regular day but I had to wear a gas mask it was that bad. The second was the poop under the skin around the tail end and it was definitely swollen. On the picture it looks blue and when I opened it that wasn't blood, it was soft poop.
She had the expected salpingitis with small pieces of pussy tissue and small lash eggs, about the size of a quarter. Nothing that would cause excess pressure, however it could cause sepsis. There was no liquid pus.
The other thing is that there was poop in the egg duct coming from the cloaca end and ascending, and there was a fissure between the bowel and the oviduct. That's the most severe finding. Bowel rupture caused by necrosis from the fly strike, or from the resultant infection. The bowel was full, but I have seen that in food chickens after slaughter so I didn't think that was out of the ordinary. I found a few pebble size poop hard as a rock higher up closer to the liver, but they were not large enough to cause complete bowel obstruction.
This hen was 5 or 6 years old and came from an auction at 2-3 years old. She was with us for a little more than 2 years.

I took some pictures with my phone and I don't know if they are any good to see but I will post them from the phone when I go to bed.
We are used to seeing some pretty graphic photos here, so just saying, if you chose to post them. I have had a couple of Marans hens with huge swollen lower bellies for a couple of years, and have been reluctant to do a necropsy because Inwas a little afraid of what I was going to find. It was obvious they were internal layers, but they always got around well, ate and behaved normally.
You can also add *GRAPHIC PICTURES BELOW* as a warning if you're worried. I personally like to see pictures, but I understand your concerns. I wonder if those small hard bits higher up were prompting her to push, causing the fissure. The fissure would cause her to pass faster than anything else I'd bet.

Very nice description of findings!
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