Close to another Great Depression?

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Wondering why Bush even won president. His dad was president during WW2 and the Great Depression. Then Bush becomes president, we go to war with Iraq and Afg. and now falling into another Great Depression. Bush is bad luck for War and Fiances!
During the Great Depression EVERYONE squeezed everything to its limit. There was no buying new cars or luxury items. People could hardly feed themselves let alone think of waisting money on going to the movies. Here in California I still see major excessive spending. I know there are so many people that have lost their jobs or lost everything in the stock market, but other then some belt tightening it in no way looks like depression out here. Makes me wish I had a farm where I could be more self saficiant.

I've stocked every extra cent I have into savings...just in case.
The only reason why WW2 got us out of the last one, is because all of our industries here at home were converted into building weapons and machines for war. Instead of making cars, make tanks. Filling bottles with coke, to filling shells with amo. In turn, we sold these to our allies, and made craploads of money. Not to mention with all the men gone, women and minorities could get jobs. Now that everything we get is made on other continents, war can only hurt us.

It's looking pretty bad. I don't know if it'll get as bad as the other two depressions, but I know we're hurting here. I blame it on lack of what we actually make in the US, and credit cards (which is what brought us into the last depression - buying on credit
You'd think we'd learn). Oh yeah, and all the crap the goverment is spending money on which probably isn't needed.
FDR and Truman were presidents during the war and the depression. Hoover was another Great Depression president, and didn't do anything to help it. It was a while before Daddy Bush came into office
Ive wondered myself if credit cards have anything to do with it. Spending money you dont have = -amount
There's debate on whether it was the New Deal or WWII that helped up climb out the depression. I think it was both. Also in the 30's we added a lot more government regulation to the stock market that started being stripped away in the 80's until you had the huge mess we have now.
FDR and Truman were presidents during the war and the depression. Hoover was another Great Depression president, and didn't do anything to help it. It was a while before Daddy Bush came into office

Guess I got it mixed up. I'm having a bad pea brain moment lately.
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