Closest hatchery to Wa state.

do not know if anyone will get to this in any time, seems to be a dying thread~
But I am looking for Rhode Island White LF hatching eggs or chicks for sale in WA state, anyone know ?
These are real RIW's, pea comb variety...not white single combe which I still believe are hatchery mongrels of Rhode Island reds...
Anyone ?
I have heard good things about Dunlap in Idaho. Would you buy from a private breeder or do you want hatchery birds? There is a poultry site on facebook for western washington and you can find a lot of local breeders there. The group is called Western Washington Poultry. Wonderful One Acre Farm is one that I have seen that seems to have a great reputation. As far as hatcheries are concerned, I like Murray McMurray.
Thanks MrsM74
I Preferred to buy eggs from a breeder. I'm asking for a friend, she doesn't want hatching eggs, she wants chicks. She wants to get a couple Polish and some Ameraucanas ( I think she meant EEs)
Check out the Facebook site right now thank you
I have bought a variety of chicks from in Fall City, east of Redmond. They have species that lay all the colors of eggs, bantams, and also have other exotic gamefowl, but their main business is with chickens. They post the breeds they have according to their hatching date on their Facebook page. The older the chick, the more expensive, but their prices for new chicks are about $4-7 each for a min. of somewhere between 3-5 chicks. They charge $5 more if you don't buy a bag of their feed - I guess they want you to transition to whatever food you use. They make you leave your own farm boots in the car or anything that can transmit a disease, I find that a good practice. It used to be by appt. only, and in general, they don't ship.

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