Cluckmore Coop for the Vanderclucks

Very nice.
A fence won't slow down a raccoon (they're everywhere, even in urban environments) but the dog probably will if it's sleeping out in the yard every night ...and it's a good sized dog.
That is ABSOLUTELY FAUX FABULOUS. You have re-inspired me to continue with my buck-buck-buckingham palace.
I've done the base coat and drawn one side in pencil, but the wasps are in their really annoying stage so am waiting.
The Dutchess of Yolk and Lady Camilla are waiting to be honored along with the rest of M'Ladies.
Again ... Absolutely Fabulous. Love your humor and your talent.
Love the "Lady of Yolk". She definitely needs a very special buck-buck-buckingham palace. It's really kind of theraputic. I let the chicks out to roam in the yard while I paint a little bit. Plus my two little girls love it and love going out to give treats to the chickens.

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