Cochin Thread!!!

A few pages back I put up pics of my Columbian Cochin chicks. Well here they are, a bit older. Look at how much they've grown! Of course my grandson, Dillon, is their main caretaker. He does a good job too! (Excuse the mud though, they were outside playing before I took pictures.)

One of the roosters, isn't he adorable?!?


One of the hens. She's so precious!



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They're gorgeous Janelle! I'll have to get some good pics of "the Ladies" and they're new gentleman Baxter. I have some eggs in the incubator to see if he's doing his job. LOL


I'd love to see some new pics of "the girls". The first chicken in my pics was best friends with the black girls you ended up with. I almost added her to your group the day we met up as I felt bad about splitting them. She got over it though

I do go back and forth on selling these girls. They are just as sweet as your "ladies", I am just considering downsizing for the winter. Want me to give you first dibs if I decide to sell them? I think I will sell quite a few others before them, but who knows what'll happen!
They're gorgeous Janelle! I'll have to get some good pics of "the Ladies" and they're new gentleman Baxter. I have some eggs in the incubator to see if he's doing his job. LOL


I'd love to see some new pics of "the girls". The first chicken in my pics was best friends with the black girls you ended up with. I almost added her to your group the day we met up as I felt bad about splitting them. She got over it though

I do go back and forth on selling these girls. They are just as sweet as your "ladies", I am just considering downsizing for the winter. Want me to give you first dibs if I decide to sell them? I think I will sell quite a few others before them, but who knows what'll happen!

Definitely please let me know if you're going to downsize them! I absolutely adore "the Ladies" as they're know. Sofie, Polly, and Zena. And they have a handsome new gentleman from JewellFarms named Baxter. The ladies just never fit in with the other chickens but they adore Baxter because he's a Black Cochin just like they are. They're no longer shy and withdrawn. It's a big improvement over the way they were.

That's exactly how these girls are. They just haven't fit into the flock that well. I find them off by themselves most of the time and the head rooster shows no interest in them. I have noticed them integrating a bit better recently and one of my younger roosters has started chasing them (they do not appreciate this) to do his "thing". But they are just their own little group. Nice as can be. 2 of them even roost at the opposite end of the coop from everyone else, on the top of the nestboxes. I have a younger pair of Salmon Faverolle pullets that I am hoping will take up with them. If not, I may consider finding them a new place.

They are very sweet but that just seems to be a Cochin thing!

Anyone else have cochins that don't "mesh" well with their "regular" chickens?
rileysgranny OMG they are amazing!! I have never seen this pattern, but then again, there are a lot of new colors, sizes and shapes that I've "never" seen.

I have 5 layers that are housed with my bantam Cochins and they do ok. I am not sure how winter will be with them all in together, but we will see. I find that having a multilevel coop, shelves and perches that are 2x4's so big and small alike can walk the wider part of the birds gets the little ones up out of the way while the big girls are 'complaining'- lol.

Also, that Cochin roo will "take care" of those girls, it will be a nicer way for the girls to be kept in line by a rooster without having their feathers destroyed.

You guys are not helping me...I'm addicted and I need help! LOL
spook-Thanks. I just love the silver laced pattern. I've been looking for a cockeral/roo with the same pattern since mine that I got with them died, but haven't had any luck. I've PMd someone close to me that has some blacks, but I don't know if I want to go that route or not. I may just wait til Spring and see if I can find some at the TSC where I got these. Decisions, decisions!

Forgot to add that my standards DO NOT LIKE my bantams, so I have to keep them in seperate coops. Well, with the exception of Dancer, the mottled? roo. He moved himself in with the standards and has been there ever since! Probably because he was old enough to do the roo thing and they were old enough to let him!
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We've had really good luck with bantam cochin roos taking over the Roo Duties with the big girls. They get lots of action, the eggs aren't ususally fertile and they are great little flock protectors.
Oh, I'm getting fertile eggs! I know 'cause they have little bulls eyes in them when I crack them open. That Dancer must really know what he is doing! I'm not hatching any of their eggs, tho. Or any eggs at all at this point.

He is a really good roo. Let's the big ladies know when he's found a nice morsel and chases the other 2 away if they get too close. It's funny to watch him scurry WAY accross the yard after them.

Oh, and he jumped on the back of my Jack Russell Terrier when he got a little close to one of the hens. Wish I'd had a video camera for that one. I had been a little worried about the dog around the chickens and watched them really closely. Now the dog makes BIG circles around the chickens.
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I believe I've shown this enough times so everyone must be getting tired of it, but, this is "Emily" and she is a standard size EE and Scooter


This is Scooter and Cloe, the parents of Emily

(we do not know the sex of the chick, I want it to be a girl, so keep your fingers crossed for us, lol)

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