Cochin Thread!!!

Sorry my phone takes such crummy pics, but here is Xena on her 3 week Birthday. Her big girl feathers are so soft & fluffy & white that she looks like an angel. Xena has decided she doesn't want to go back in the brooder, EVER, so she has developed some pretty slick evasive maneuvers when it's time for me to put the girls away. She squaks & runs & flops around everywhere, but when I've finally got her she snuggles in all content to be pet. Anyone know how I can make her more receptive to being put away?
Well Jewel's last chick hatched. Yay!!! Now Jewel does not have to worry about incubating the eggs, just raising her chicks. It has gotten much chillier today so I think it will take some time before it comes out but I will post pics when it is out.
Jewel & her babies are so sweet! Did she have 2?
She has 4 chicks. The last one hatched sometime overnight. She was sitting on 9 to begin with. One got cracked and another disappeared, I think my children collected one that was marked to stay, on accident. So she ended up with 7 eggs to the end. 5 hatched and the beautiful blue chick did not make it past it's first day out of the egg. I do not think it absorbed all the yolk. Two eggs did not hatch, I am not experienced enough to know why they did not hatch or brave enough to crack them open to see. They may not have been fertile because I did not candle any eggs until the day I decided I needed to get rid of the eggs if there was nothing living in them. Overall I am very pleased with Jewel's hatch rate for both of our first experiences.
She has 4 chicks. The last one hatched sometime overnight. She was sitting on 9 to begin with. One got cracked and another disappeared, I think my children collected one that was marked to stay, on accident. So she ended up with 7 eggs to the end. 5 hatched and the beautiful blue chick did not make it past it's first day out of the egg. I do not think it absorbed all the yolk. Two eggs did not hatch, I am not experienced enough to know why they did not hatch or brave enough to crack them open to see. They may not have been fertile because I did not candle any eggs until the day I decided I needed to get rid of the eggs if there was nothing living in them. Overall I am very pleased with Jewel's hatch rate for both of our first experiences. she can focus on being a momma! I am so glad your first broody experience(for both of you) was a success! My girl Peep and I(well more her than I..LOL) are also trying for the first time, so hope our goes well too! Eggs come tomorrow and I have been reading up on all of this so we are "ready"(again more me than her!!!) Your babies are adorable...enjoy
Alrighty peeps I took in a trio of cochins yesterday and I am trying to figure out their color pattern.At 1st I thought maybe it was a color project and then I thought maybe it was a partridge? The girl didn't know either when she was describing them to me she called them "charcoal color" They are also only about 5 months old so I'm sure the cockerels full color hasnt come in yet =)

Alrighty peeps I took in a trio of cochins yesterday and I am trying to figure out their color pattern.At 1st I thought maybe it was a color project and then I thought maybe it was a partridge? The girl didn't know either when she was describing them to me she called them "charcoal color" They are also only about 5 months old so I'm sure the cockerels full color hasnt come in yet =)
I am getting a serama pair on fri and the lady sent me a picture of the 5 month old cockerel I am getting she called him a black wheaten. He looks just like ur cockerel. I can't get his picture up but he looks just like yours (color wise) called black wheaten I was told.
Ok so I just googled black wheaten chickens witch lead me to black copper. Looks just like yours. Best I can tell black wheaten and black copper are the same color just goes by a differnt name based on the breed. But when the rooster mature they are very handsome.
Here are pics of the new chick and the cute family out and about. I am really baffled by the new chicks color. I am assuming it is only half cochin but my hens are 2 white rocks, a lavender Orpington, and Jewel. It is very pretty just surprised with the color. Blu is being such a good rooster keeping the rest of the flock away from the chicks and helping Jewel feed them. He is very gentle and treats them like he knows they are his.

Here are pics of the new chick and the cute family out and about. I am really baffled by the new chicks color. I am assuming it is only half cochin but my hens are 2 white rocks, a lavender Orpington, and Jewel. It is very pretty just surprised with the color. Blu is being such a good rooster keeping the rest of the flock away from the chicks and helping Jewel feed them. He is very gentle and treats them like he knows they are his.

That last pic is a real cutie. Looks like a sex link.
Here are pics of the new chick and the cute family out and about. I am really baffled by the new chicks color. I am assuming it is only half cochin but my hens are 2 white rocks, a lavender Orpington, and Jewel. It is very pretty just surprised with the color. Blu is being such a good rooster keeping the rest of the flock away from the chicks and helping Jewel feed them. He is very gentle and treats them like he knows they are his.

Adorable babies..such pretty colors! Last pic...And just HOW am I supposed to primp under here?????

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