Cochin Thread!!!

I love the deep crow of the LF cochin. My boy King Triton has just started and I love to here it. He doesn't crow very often ( not top roo yet), but when he does I know it's him. Actually I have several roosters ( silkie, leghorn,LF and bantam cochin) and I can tell each one by their crow. It's almost like hearing your child's voice. This is my feller King Triton LOVE HIM :love
He is handsome! I hope Stumpy has the deep crow as the males he came from do. I have to wait till the weekend to hear him again, only 3 more days....sigh.
Hey all got a Buff colored Cochin ( we think ) in a group of chicks from a friend. What do ya think of it? boy, girl, deformed???? What? Thanks in advance

It stands so TALL and just straight up at times, maybe it's just the feathering making it look like that? I am thinking it's a pullet but I'm not real good at sexing chicks until they either lay an egg or crow.
Usually an upright stance and slow feathering especially in cochins means rooster, you didn't say how old it is but that would be my thoughts.
If this is a current picture I would say pullet, my Cochin rooster had huge comb and wattles by 16 weeks, if you got them May 2nd yours would be over 27
weeks old so the red comb and wattles should mean it is getting ready to lay soon.

Here is my boy around 20 weeks.



13 weeks
If this is a current picture I would say pullet, my Cochin rooster had huge comb and wattles by 16 weeks, if you got them May 2nd yours would be over 27
weeks old so the red comb and wattles should mean it is getting ready to lay soon.

Here is my boy around 20 weeks.

13 weeks​
yes that pic was taken just 3 days ago. I hope you right and its a pullet, I really don't need any more Roo's have more than I need by a long shot now.
I moved HER and HER buddies to the main coop tonight they were not happy at all. But oh well they will get over it.
Do they perch? I have only seen her on a perch a couple times, most the time she is on the floor or in a box.
Or is something wrong with my perches?
My 3 do not roost either. I think it is because Stumpy can not roost since his one leg is dislocated at the knee. They lay in a pile together.
How low is the lowest roost. Mine is 6", than 18". So he hops up to the 18" roost. My bantam brahmas like the 6" roost. They like low to the ground. Try a 6" roost. Most Cochin and brahma have a difficult time with high roosts and ramps, my brahmas refuse to use a ramp.

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