Cochin Thread!!!

Those are silver laced Wyanodotte's. They're pretty sweet and like lap sitting. They also have some of the softest feathers I've ever felt. I have a hard time keeping my hands off of them, LOL! Pretty good layers too!

All my birds come from some hatchery, I picked up the first dozen at Atwood's and did the, "I'll have 2 of these and these and these and 4 of these" kind of shopping. I had read up on good egg layers and tried an assortment. The silver laced Wyandotte's are about the only thing I bought that I actually got the right birds, LOL! Some of them, like the roo, I'm not sure what they are because they sure aren't what it said on the bin when I bought them. But I get a 4-5 doz eggs/week, so I'm happy anyhow.
I love your SLW's


Thanks Laurie, I like 'em a LOT too.
So... I went to the New England Bantam Club fall show yesterday. And in the for sale section there were these two gold laced cochins. A 3 month old pullet in a pen with a 5 month old (at least) gold laced roo that would NOT LEAVE HER ALONE. I felt so bad for her. She getting her tail feathers pulled and looked really scraggly... did not look healthy simply because of how dirty she was... you should have seen how dirty she was.... I was gonna buy the pair for 15$ but asked the lady if she'd sell just the pullet because eventhough the roo was cute I didnt want my current chickens to have to deal with him. So... She sold me the pullet for 10$.. not bad.. I just wanted to get the poor baby out of that cage... I got a pair of wyandotte mutt (maybe cochin cross. not sure) hens as well from a little boy he was maybe 13 tops I think.

Anways... the first thing I did when I got home was give the gold laced girl a bath. I used 3 sinkfuls of water and a lot of antibacterial hand soap on her. The water turned brown as soon as she touched it... two first sinkfuls water were DISGUSTING brown, stinky, slimy, sludgey and feathery.
I couldn't believe how dirty this poor baby was... I am really in disbelief that anyone could keep a chick in such disgusting condition.
I am really glad I stuck to my gut and bought her... I bathed the mutt wyandottes too just for good measure and the water from their baths didn't even change color.. Believe me when I say I couldn't wait to take MY shower...

Gold Laced really enjoyed the water because it was nice and warm she even liked being blown dry with my hairdryer it was the cutest thing. mutt wyandottes didnt seem to want a bath... But I think the gold girlie knew how dirty she was. She barely even budged in the water! she was practically falling asleep in the water and even when I was drying her. she really enjoyed the warmth of the bath and drying. too cute
Put a heat lamp above her and the other new bathed chickens for the night so they wouldn't get a chill.

here are some photos

during last rinse in bath... my boyfriend came upstairs at the end otherwise I would have had him take a photo of the gross dirty water as well


after bath

mutt chickens
Just wanted to share this pic I took on Saturday of one of my new roos. I don't think I'll ever got another shot like this - I couldn't believe it when I got back in the house and looked at all the pics I took - this was the very first one on the card. I'm taking it as an omen of great chicklets to come this Spring in my Mille Fleur project!


Here's a couple more pics of Cracker Jack, as well as the other new roo I got:


Jackson (son of Cracker Jack):



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