Cochin Thread!!!

These thoughts are only my opinion and not based on any hard information.

I believe that the next Cochin variety that will come up for acceptance will be Bantam Self Blue. I think it will be the first variety that will be organized and meet all the criteria for acceptance. Splash might be close if there is someone who gathers the data and can organize enough people to show their birds. I see no other bantam variety being good enough and having enough fanciers to gain acceptance within the next 10 years.
I know of no large fowl varieties that will come up soon. I would love to see LF Columbians and Mottleds good enough and wide spread enough to gain acceptance.

I am working on both Self-blue and Mille Fleur. They are two very different projects.
- The Self-blue is an organized process with Blacks added, to improve type, to every even generation - F2, F4, F6 ect. Mr. Tom Roebuck has been so helpful in sharing the process.
- The Mille Fleurs are all over the place; color variations very unpredictable with every generation and type is a lot further behind, sure are pretty though.
I couldn't agree with you more about those varieties. Seeing the Self Blue birds Tom brought to Crossroads makes me think they will eventually become accepted. I do see an occasional Mille that makes me think that progress is being made.
Having a small breeding pen of Mille Fleur bantam Cochins, I think the biggest issue is to stabilize the genetic background(s) of the stock. I have breeders from a few breeders and different genetic backgrounds for each. Even though the parent stock are similar appearing, the offspring are all over the place. I've gotten buff, mahageny, and red based birds not to mention white Columbia (with leakage), mainly blk mottled (with leakage), and solid red along with a few normally colored MFs. Type characters are likewise spread along continiums of decent to oops (well at least they are chickens!).

Some of that may be coming from the regular insertion of higher quality stock while trying for that silver bullet rather than working to correct faults slowly over a few generations. I often see posts about folks looking for higher quality Mottles, blacks, whites, etc to breed into their MFs year after year rather than giving their current stock and offspring time to mature. I've had a few better cushions develop in the second year as an example. If I had rushed to change breedings after just the first season breedings I would have missed that. Genetics and stabilization is a slow process at best but we can help it along with good knowledge of type/color, selective breeding, and consistent goals over the long run.

Some of that may be coming from the regular insertion of higher quality stock while trying for that silver bullet rather than working to correct faults slowly over a few generations. I often see posts about folks looking for higher quality Mottles, blacks, whites, etc to breed into their MFs year after year rather than giving their current stock and offspring time to mature. I've had a few better cushions develop in the second year as an example. If I had rushed to change breedings after just the first season breedings I would have missed that. Genetics and stabilization is a slow process at best but we can help it along with good knowledge of type/color, selective breeding, and consistent goals over the long run.
Very good point!
I added a Mottled pullet to my Milles last summer and got White Columbian ( white down too) and not so great type. I now have a lot of very pretty Calicos. I think I will stick to the slow process. I am really fond of the Calico colors but don't have much room for "fun" colors. I love speckled birds, then again can't think of a Cochin color I don't like except Gold Laced. I have a pen of decent Partridge that I am not breeding from. I could use that pen space for Mille or Self-Blue but.......
I think I will work on Mille fleur for 30 years. When Self-Blue gets alot further along I will tackle some Partridge Breeding. I also will part with my Bantam Ameraucanas, just don't like them near as much as my Cochin's personalities. I will keep a couple pretty LF EEs for their eggs.
I can't tell you how much I am enjoying my birds and how nice it is to have folks to share this with and to learn from!

I'm trying to sex my Milles, I believe I have 2 Roosters and 1 girl.

The first 3 pictures are of the same chick and I believe he is a Boy.

The next ones I believe this is my girl:

The next 3 I believe is another BOY. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.......

I'm trying to sex my Milles, I believe I have 2 Roosters and 1 girl.

The first 3 pictures are of the same chick and I believe he is a Boy.

The next ones I believe this is my girl:

The next 3 I believe is another BOY. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.......

yeeupp 2 roos 1 pullet

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