Coffee With Tink


The Angry Hen

Crossing the Road
6 Years
Dec 17, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
In Loving Memory Of:
"Tink" the New Hampshire Red hen with a truly wonderful personality- a friend I'll never forget.
The new tink.jpg

Dear friends,

I've been wanting to make a discussion thread for folks whom don't get the chance to talk often- but would like to learn more about each other. You can talk here, share, and within abiding BYC rules, have as much fun as you wish.

Not long ago, I lost a great hen of mine. Tink. When she was still an egg, her mother abandoned her. This was very disappointing... and until we heard chirping and saw a pip... we didn't know if it was too late.
I put the egg in a shoe box in my bedroom, with a heat lamp set up above it and a soft towel beneath its cool shell. I waited all night until finally, when, a yellow chick burst out into the new world before her.


This was Tink. She later grew up to be a very strong, sweet hen. She followed me around whether it was outside or in the house. Soon having began laying eggs (which she was wonderful at), it was time for her to join the flock.

One problem. Nobody accepted her. Except for Henny, our last standing male Guinea.

Within time, Tink had stopped laying eggs... she grew sick within three years. She still fought through, having not laid eggs, but there as my friend. When we ordered 18 eggs from Meyers Hatchery, Tink being one, the rest died off. I think her heritage wasn't too healthy... making her pass away well before she should've.

Henny was saddened for the time being. Tink was his best friend. His girlfriend. But now he has friended Bindi, a pullet whom hatched and wasn't approved by her mother.

Me & Bindi.jpg
So, I hereby dedicate this thread to Tink, hoping it will be a trail leading to the same friendship I had with her. I'd love to hear your stories, I'd love to talk at random. I hope you guys enjoy Coffee With Tink!

I'm not very familiar with New Hampshire Reds, only that they are somewhat related to RIR. Is it possible that Tink was actually a Red Sex Link???
That would explain the short life span. Those chickens do go by several different names. Isa Brown is one I recall offhand. Did get this one from someone a few years ago. She expired about a year or so later. These chickens are breed to produce many eggs, and then burn out.:(
This was Rosie:)
The New Hampshire is derived from Rhode Islands- and they were bred for fast growth. I think the breed's heritage for meat production takes a toll on the later lineage. It's sad to see.
Anything is possible! She very much did resemble the Sex-Link. I've never had the breed, but that's too bad! I'm sorry for your loss! Rosie was a beautiful hen. :love
How are thing's going for you today? Out here in the desert it's finally starting to cool down a bit after the rain. Our monsoon season is supposed to end on Monday. I can spend more time outdoor's with my flock now. I have a new Naked Neck cockerel in with my hen's now, so I'm waiting for fertility to start showing up. I see him doing his job. I'm one of those hatch-a-holic's. :gig
How are thing's going for you today? Out here in the desert it's finally starting to cool down a bit after the rain. Our monsoon season is supposed to end on Monday. I can spend more time outdoor's with my flock now. I have a new Naked Neck cockerel in with my hen's now, so I'm waiting for fertility to start showing up. I see him doing his job. I'm one of those hatch-a-holic's. :gig

Good afternoon! Things are going pretty well! How about yourself? Been preparing for the colder months earlier this year- which is much better than before it's too late!
That's good to hear. It is great when there's a nice enough day to let the chickens out, sit with them and relax, without worrying about too much heat, rain, or any stress. :)
Well, best of luck and I hope your future upholds many hatches! What breeds are you planning to breed him to?

Honestly... I am exactly the same. I wish I had more coop space to work with- but I always find a way of sneaking a few hatches in when Spring arrives. I'm always dreaming of new cross breeds and which birds to use. My best rooster was one I hatched without my parents knowing so that's been my trick ever since! :lau
Good afternoon! Things are going pretty well! How about yourself? Been preparing for the colder months earlier this year- which is much better than before it's too late!
That's good to hear. It is great when there's a nice enough day to let the chickens out, sit with them and relax, without worrying about too much heat, rain, or any stress. :)
Well, best of luck and I hope your future upholds many hatches! What breeds are you planning to breed him to?

Honestly... I am exactly the same. I wish I had more coop space to work with- but I always find a way of sneaking a few hatches in when Spring arrives. I'm always dreaming of new cross breeds and which birds to use. My best rooster was one I hatched without my parents knowing so that's been my trick ever since! :lau

I've got Roger in there with a full CCLB hen that lay's blue egg's, a NN/CCLB cross hen that lay's light green egg's, and some NN/Breese hen's that lay cream colored egg's. There is also a NN/Breese pullet that is at POL, and a mixed fully feathered neck pullet that should start laying in a couple more month's.

With my trio of silkies, those 2 pullet's haven't started laying egg's yet, but the cockerel is already getting interested in wanting to breed.

I have 3 shipped hatching egg's left in my incubator that are due to hatch in a week. They are mixed breed's. I'm also waiting on some more shipped egg's from another breeder. All of these will be added to my NN flock to add more gene diversity.
Looks like my chickens sloooooooooowed down with their laying recently. No eggs last couple of days. Last year was the same at this time. Days get shorter by a lot at this time. I only have 7 hens at this time. I think recently only about 4 of them were laying,,,,,,, and not that great. My aging flock is on low production mode. My 2 newest arrivals are my Seramas. Hatched March and May 2019. well,,,, not the best egg providers,,,,, but :love
Yes,,,,,,,,, we now need eggs from the grocery store:(

and here is something to share,,,,,,,,,,

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