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Hi all,

Texas is hot but not too. I've been reading a 1973 issue of Mother Earth and it's making me long for home to do some gardening. My family here is not into that, plus they have Seamus the dog.

I can't relate to this generation. Everything is up and coming here. Building and building. They'll be wishing they'd paid more attention to self preservation when the you know what hit the fan.

I'm sure all of Texas is not this way but here in Houston they're not interested in anything except Yuppy type stuff if that makes any sense.

I fear for my grandkids as they'll be idiots. As it is my grandson is immature by a couple of years.

Well no baby yet. Tonight for sure since DD is two days overdue and they'll induce. I'm not sure if that is good or just being impatient. The doc wanted induce last week because she was going on vacation. What the heck! Seems to me it doesn't show concern for the patients and I'd find another doctor.

Well take care folks, hope all are well.

Ya know Rancher I think the baby knows when to come out. I just became a great uncle again. My SIL's daughter, Now if the dad would make an honest woman out her. Kids these days, they have been together for 15 years and almost once a couple of years ago did the deed. Oh Well Will be praying for DD and the GK.
DD and baby are doing fine. It was touch and go for a bit but they're fine. The cord was wrapped around the babies neck and she didn't take her first breath for four minutes. I was in the chapel reading psalm 39. It's speaks of how we are all only a breath away . Today I was in the chapel again but this time thanking God for sparing us the heart ache that might have been. There is more to say to this but I can't type it all. We have friends who just weeks ago lost there months old grandson.

Can't speak to kids these days. At least not without getting in trouble.

The weather here is nice but i do miss home since it's spring and garden time. Though I have not forgotten the cold and snow.

I miss my DD and her kids. Even my SIL if you can believe that.

It's late so take care and be safe.

Rancher Hicks, so glad your DD and grandchild are okay. That is really scary business. I hate those doctors who schedule a C-section around their vacations etc., AND the woman who demand it so they don't miss any social occasions.

My doctor's partner was on call when I went into labor, and I KNOW he got tired of waiting. He said if I didn't have then baby by such and such a time, he would do a section. He did. When my regular doctor saw me and looked at my chart, he asked why so and so intervened. How would I know? . He and I never had good karma between us. He would speak to me through his nurse, or when staring at the floor. I wasn't gross or ugly then. I was also dumb enough to think once the stitches came out, it wouldn't hurt anymore. I had had 28 hours of back labor to begin with - baby was head down but, backwards and kicking me in the spine.
Rancher, glad to hear the happy outcome, congratulations. I can imagine it was scary for a while there.

Diva, I never really understood the Merkan medical system. Seems to me, in the US they think C-section is the way to go, and you have to qualify to be allowed to give birth naturally, while here it's the other way around, something has to be seriously wrong to get a C-section. Of course, in a business driven healthcare environment, being able to schedule things and foresee staffing needs makes everything run more smoothly.
Wow Diva, that is terrible. I think I would have changed Dr.'s.

I had three natural and two c-sections. My first took me 3 days and my Dr. never said he would take her c-section. (That was in California in the 70's)
Hey, Rancher, glad that all ended well. Eventually you will be home, and all that work will be waiting for you.
Rancher Hicks, so glad your DD and grandchild are okay. That is really scary business. I hate those doctors who schedule a C-section around their vacations etc., AND the woman who demand it so they don't miss any social occasions.

My doctor's partner was on call when I went into labor, and I KNOW he got tired of waiting. He said if I didn't have then baby by such and such a time, he would do a section. He did. When my regular doctor saw me and looked at my chart, he asked why so and so intervened. How would I know? . He and I never had good karma between us. He would speak to me through his nurse, or when staring at the floor. I wasn't gross or ugly then. I was also dumb enough to think once the stitches came out, it wouldn't hurt anymore. I had had 28 hours of back labor to begin with - baby was head down but, backwards and kicking me in the spine.
DW had C's with all four and DD younger had two. There are times when it's necessary and we forget babies born with problems. Ours were backwards. My son I know had the cord around his neck. Some women like my SIL are too small to pass a baby. She too had four sections.

I was young once too, but now have no trouble speaking up.

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