Coffee's ready...

Glad that you are back home. A little bit at a time. As my doctor says, "You're not 25 anymore."

Well this may be true, but I've never been one to over do it anyhow. They say hard work never killed anyone, but I'm not taking any chances.

There is no substitute for hard work.
Thomas A. Edison

Oh yes there is! A will leaving you lots and lots of money.

Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work.
Booker T. Washington

What does he know? He's dead!
Well today I cleaned the chicken coop,, ,again!, played with the kitten for a while when momma cat carried her out to the garden to visit with me. Still have mowing the yard and pulling weeds.....
YES its the season to pull weeds, best crop I seem to have some years, lol!!
Than tomorrow we butcher the other 33 broilers and are done with butchering until August when we butcher the turkeys.
Freezer will be full for a while, but the kids always get a chicken when they leave with the grandkids after coming to visit. So it won't be to long before I'll have room for my beets and green beans when they are ready to pick. Well back to the garden, break time is over.
Have a great day everyone!!
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