Coffee's ready...

Having my cup of coffee, looking at all the posts of bad weather, snow, ice, wind, rain and other blessings of I need to get ready for work but I am procrastinating. I love my jobs (I have 2) but some days I just don't feel like doing my hair and such. I wish I could be like a guy that just washes and goes. Some day I'm going to Jamie Lee Curtis my hair so I can do that too. Oh well enough of putting it to the hotrollers, curling irons and hairspray I go...sigh.
Thunder and lightning in a snow storm ? Well it just keeps getting more unpredictable.
Blyth, I,m a guy and I have long hair and I brush it only once a day pony tail it and go. 18 years without a hair cut. no trims no anything.
I just rinse it every morning brush it bind it and I'm done.
karl, we usually don't have many days below 20 degrees. I am in Zone 8 -- may have mentioned that. The problem -- at least it seems to me -- is that we seem to go from winter to summer
. My particular area only got one inch of snow, but there was a town a few counties away that got 10 inches, which is extremely rare.

Muscadine grapes and scuppernong grapes are southern grapes. These are cultivated hybrid vines, but they do grow wild here also. I am not sure of the zone hardiness. Some people make wine with them. We make jelly and pies and juice. My thornless blackberries have pretty much dwindled away, so I am thinking about replacing them with a new variety of Kiwi vine.

blythspirit, I can relate to that! I love those days when I don't have to do the hair and makeup routine. Today was a shopping day, shopping being an hour away. I noticed the chick pen in Tractor Supply and was told the chicks and ducklings would be there any day now. Hancock Fabrics had so much cute chicken stuff, but I resisted.
karl, we usually don't have many days below 20 degrees. I am in Zone 8 -- may have mentioned that. The problem -- at least it seems to me -- is that we seem to go from winter to summer
. My particular area only got one inch of snow, but there was a town a few counties away that got 10 inches, which is extremely rare.

Muscadine grapes and scuppernong grapes are southern grapes. These are cultivated hybrid vines, but they do grow wild here also. I am not sure of the zone hardiness. Some people make wine with them. We make jelly and pies and juice. My thornless blackberries have pretty much dwindled away, so I am thinking about replacing them with a new variety of Kiwi vine.

blythspirit, I can relate to that! I love those days when I don't have to do the hair and makeup routine. Today was a shopping day, shopping being an hour away. I noticed the chick pen in Tractor Supply and was told the chicks and ducklings would be there any day now. Hancock Fabrics had so much cute chicken stuff, but I resisted.
I love days when I can just be 'myself' too. Spring is coming I just know it. I can hardly wait. Good job resisting all the cute stuff and Hancock Fabrics, I am having a hard time with all the gardening and flower stuff coming out too. One of my biggest weaknesses is Easter. I LOVE all the Easter chicks/bunnies decorations and things. I think I have just about the same amount of decorations as Christmas time.
One of the things which really caught my eye at Hancock's was an egg wreath. It was so attractive, not really too "cutesy." It was actually an Easter thing, but I was thinking how great it would look inside a coop. The price kept me from indulging, though. They often have huge markdowns on decorative items after the particular season has passed.
Morning People,
I for one can't say to much about hair, because of the lack of it. Back in the ole days, what I had, I had to keep it trim. I use to laugh and wonder what to say, when they asked what I wanted done to the top. My oldest rat had the best, "don't part'em. they'll get lonely." Now a days from Oct - March I just let it go (winter fuzz). Let my beard grow in and what head hair I have. From March to Oct, every hair on my head gets shaved off, beard gets a very short trimming.

Stumpy, those grapes look good. I have been trying to grow some the last couple of years, but they aren't producing. The wild grapes are everywhere here.

This is what the coops look like after the last storm. That's one of the NHR in the path.

Enjoy your day
quercus1, beautiful pic. Are you trying concord grapes? They won't grow in our humid climate and clay soil. I don't know what to recommend for your area.
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Q looks like my place and your place are the same. We received another 7 " of snow yesterday and today itr is 40 out .I hope it will melt away but I know that this begins the spring messy season mud that does not end until June. It is all good. Last time I drove from Ohio to new York I remember seeing miles upon miles of vineyards. Wonder if you know what kind those are Stump.
I was not bragging about my hair but at 55 years old hair is a commodity not in too large of a supply. I have done well to keep so much of it on my head. My maternal great grandfather died at 78 with a full head and I should be so lucky as that.
Peeps coming to tractor supply soon huh? Well I'll get my supply but I'm really considering turkey this year. We will see .
God Bless!
Morning people,
Karl, looks like we are having the same weather as you. We had a good dumping of wet snow yesterday, with temps in the 40's for the rest of the week. We have a orchard across the road, vineyards a couple of miles away, a beef/poultry farm down the other end of the road. Another orchard about 20 miles away is making brandy (the real, not the syrup) from the fruits in their orchard.
Stumpy, at the moment I couldn't tell you the type of grapes I have. I know they were for the table (eating). I'll have to wait till the thaw to see the tag.

We'll be getting more egg layers this year. The reds are slowing down to the point of..... Meaties and turkeys again this year.

Enjoy your day

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