Coffee's ready...

Aw!!!! she sure is a cutie. Been watching and not much more. Hard summer here for me. had sub epidural shots for back pain. Took care of the pain but am loosing use of legs. no stability and lots of weakness. My girls did poorly this summer. 1 - 2 eggs out of the eight of them. Understand all down here are experiencing that. Got to take the wife to work. TaTaTill Later
Morning People,

Running late here. Even the chickens were let loose later and none to happy about it. Nice morning here, around 48 degs, clear and sunny. We are going on a train with some friends this weekend. A 3 - 3.5 hr trip one way, sleep over and then head back. Funny thing, the train only stops at this station once a day. so......... Yes they have a post office, no traffic lights.

@rancher hicks - She's pretty cute there and I can see were the "little princess" comes to play. So that makes the mom "the queen"?........

@sourland - We are suppose to be getting that weather around here by the end of this week.

@rngrbill - Good to see you again. I hope our birds to hear about it. It's bad enough buying eggs and feeding chickens.

Enjoy your day,
rngrbill, sorry to hear of your troubles. Hope time heals things for the better. How cold does it get where you are? It's turn on the heat weather here for me now and still to much to do.

We've been invited to TX for some time in the winter, but I've got to take care of my chickens. I'm reluctant to give them up. What would I do the rest of the year?

Well take care folks that's it for covering threads I follow.


Ranger, I feel your pain - literally. Mobility is good, but the back has to remind me of my age.

Rancher, I am at the point where the option of a 'warm weather' winter is alluring, but what would I do without my dogs? A grandchild that far away is an additional draw for sure.

Kaj, we were scheduled to take a train trip into Canada on 9/11. Needless to say we did not get to take that trip. Wishing you a pleasant one.
It gets cold down here. We get some snow. Nothing like the Month of below 0 in New England. Snow usually melts in a day or two. Last winter was a strange one snow actually stayed around for a while. 50s at night now 80s during the day, Lots of space for dogs to run. Any of you who are around my age 67 fishing license is $5.00 and includes 5 deer tags.

@rngrbill So sorry to hear that you have shingles. I had them a couple of years ago. Took awhile to figure out what in the world was going on. Nasty things! I finally resorted to Benadryl and Aleve or Ibuprofen. Benadryl so I could sleep through the itching, and the others for fever and pain.
going to redo the outside of my coop. Just found out I got shingles!!!!!! on top of everything else.

@rngrbill So sorry to hear that you have shingles. I had them a couple of years ago. Took awhile to figure out what in the world was going on. Nasty things! I finally resorted to Benadryl and Aleve or Ibuprofen. Benadryl so I could sleep through the itching, and the others for fever and pain.
Do the shots works? We get the advertised here but I haven't mentioned it to the doc. Wonder if they are worth getting.

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