Coffee's ready...

I'm sad to report that is me. The run is built with a 4x4 center pole. I attached the first four rafters the in the center of each side and then added the rafter from each corner. The additional rafters are added for a total of 12. It requires a seat cut at the fence and first four rafter require a angle cut. The next rafters require angle and bevel cuts. Sounds complicated but it really isn't. When you use a star plate you will have to build to sizes and pitch dictated by the plate.
The ex-wife coop has a gambrel roof and the rafters are quite easy to cut. I built it without using a plan but when I get back from Missouri at the end of the month I will try to find so time to draw up plans and make a cut list that shows the board lengths and angles.
Well Opa. I must agree you do resemble Sam Elliot. *smile*

As to going to Michigan. The last time I was their, I hit a Dear and Received a Speeding ticket. But it was a very pretty State.

I've been contemplating making a batch of bread. I think you all just made my mind up

I like it fresh from the oven with butter!
Have to say you have a Sam look for sure. You handsome devil you.

That would be really great if you could post that info. Opa thank you for taking the time. Hope all goes well on your trip. One more question. Can you haul the small one in the bed of your truck? How about wheel wells?


Holly O, hot bread is good with any thing even plain. Your making me hungry. I may just have to crank up the oven after all.
The ex-wife coop will be going south with me. It is 4' long and the main building is 2'. The drop shed nest box on the side is 16x36". So it will fit in the back of my pickup quite easily. I also will be taking her 2 silver seabright hens, 2 pol vorwerk bantams and a pol spangled hamburg bantam. Does my magnanimity know no bounds?
Great way to get rid of excess birds.
Opa- I vote Peach Jam but I like your thinking of a little of both! I had apple crisp for breakfast.. my little mountain town had it's annual white elephant sale today and someone
brought apple crisp warm from their oven for the bake sale. They even picked the apples off
their trees this morning ! It was GOOOOD! Then I managed to spend about $50 at the sale too and bought two more slices to take home with me

Wow you are even providing the chickens for the ex along with the coop! Very nice! Your magnanimity knows no bounds... unless there's a mean rooster or barren hen in there tooo:lol:

OK, Opa What is you plan when you get down there, all these nice things you are doing for the x, other than getting rid of extra chickens sounds like you have something on your mind.
Come on tell the fan club!

That bake sale sounds good. all the good things to eat today with the coffee.

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The only thing I have in mind when I go south is making my sons happy. Helping them with doing things for their mother makes their lives a little easier. As far as the ex is concerned she still has the "I got to have the last word" attitude that contributed to our divorce. Anytime I have to spend any amount of time around her I bite my tongue and try to be all sunshine and light. When she leaves I always look heavenward and say "Thank you Jesus".
I will spend one day helping Joe and Scott build the run for their mother's coop and another day helping Joe rebuild his chicken run. Then I have to help Scott install ceramic tile in one of his bathrooms.
I also hope to be able to meet with Insiderart for coffee. I've certainly meet some wonderful people because of BYC.
It is a good thing that you have Jesus to help you. It is very hard to hold, some times, more that others. I find that, that is an ongoing fight. Thank the Lord for giving me control (most times.) It is a conversation that you have with yourself that, what is the use? They don't get it. It is the way it is. People are the way they are. Myself, I will not spend the engery on something stupid that will never change.

So having said all that, back to your sons. How old are they? You know, it sounds like you are going to have some quality time and fun with the boys.
Take some pic of the coop and run when you get it all set up. Some with the chickens would be nice also.
Opa, sounds like you are quite the handy man.
Good going.
Sounds fun and interesting meeting up with some BYC people, tallking and having that cup of coffee. Enjoy!
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Some how my little boys grew up. Maybe in spite of me, or to spite me. I am pretty proud of all three of them. Also they're not so little anymore. The smallest one outweighs me by 30 pounds and none of them are fat. Joe, the oldest turned 43 last July, David is 41, and Scott will be 38 in December. I must haved started my family before I reached puberty or their ages would make me an old man.

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