Coffee's ready...

Good morning!
It's an absolutely beautiful morning here in the thumb. The sun is bright, not toooo chilly, and the coffee is great. Only one problem for me this morning...I've got a huge Kestrel falcon flying around
. He's been over the property several times to check things out. But I've got something waiting for him if he decides to drop down too low

Hope everyone has a great day!
good morning from freezing new mexico. sure could use another cup of coffee but i did have a couple at least.

shelley- are you sure it's a Kestrel? huge kestrel seem like an oxymoron seeing as how they are the smallest bird of prey. unless you are raising tiny chickens, you should be ok i would think. their main diet is grasshoppers and mice...
once i caught a kestrel in my house


then i let it go...
Well today started off on a sour note. I hope it gets better.

Township cop called and is stating I have to get rid of my chickens. Weather they live inside or out and that apparently they changed the ordinance. There was no notice of this what so ever .... So I'm pretty sure they did it illegally. I'm sick and tired of this Cr*p! I have major legal cases against the township and the officer as well as my neighbors, I guess I'll be pursuing NOW!

Wish me luck!
Michele, if you have a kestrel it won't bother your birds. They sure are a beautiful bird though.

Holly I hope things work out for you. Petty bureaucrats sure are a pain. Where I live it was once totally rural. Lots of people moved here because they claimed to like country and then they set about trying to citify everything.
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a quick thank you to those of you who added my friend's son, Joe (13 yrs old), to your prayer lists/chains. On Sunday, the ventilator was removed, and although weak, he is breathing on his own.
H1N1 is nothing to mess around with, this is certain. His family is blessed that he is healing. I have been quite distracted and have missed my friends on BYC. Thank you again for your prayers.
Thank you OPA!

Hey here is a thought:

Some people find pink Flamingos and the like as lawn decor Tacky!
But the ones that put it out likes it! They are not trying to degrade the neighborhood but enhance it!

Food for thought!
Hey there neighbor. I'm in Nevada, MO. So nice to meet ya! I'm just home from work, and enjoying my last cup of coffee for the day. Hope you all had an enjoyable day!

ETA: Did you know swans kill more people a year than sharks do? ! ! !
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Well, how about that -- a close neighbor! Cool! Guess you work 2nd shift?

Another rainy day. At least we didn't get snow. Yesterday, I was lazy, so today I'll have to make up for it. 3 cups of coffee instead of 2.

Holly O -- I'm sorry that happened. It makes me angry when government does that. Reminds me of something that happened where I used to live. A horse farm had been there for many years. A housing development went up next to it. The new neighbors (probably city people) had the town make them sell the horses because of the smell. GRRRR!!
I hope I'm far enough in the country so that I'm dead before stuff like that happens to me...

ChickBond007 -- I'm sure Joe has a long recovery. I'll add him to my prayers.

good morniing all Its a cloudy drizzling
and gray day here this morning, and Ithink it will be a day of slow down
and smell the coffee and take a nap when DH does.
I am hoping he dosent have to have another biopsy.
Nice to hear joe is coming along. I will continue to keep him in my prayers

My lone Orp. was put into
the brooder last night all the rest didnt do a thing.
so it was toss out and clean up,
Have to check on Dh.Have another
cup of coffee . Im treating

Anyone ever heard of Acriptogenic Pnuemonia.

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