Coffee's ready...

Good is day 3 of Christmas break and the 1st day that I get to stay home ALLLL day : ) Supposed to be 50ish here, its very muddy out, but seeing the sun will be great!!! gonna clean coops, bleach waterers, just hang with the critters all day..Hope y'all have a good day
cold here today and have to scrap off those ice patches off the back porch. getting hard to walk out the sun would have finished it off by now. nope, I have to do the work to get it gone.

hit the road day as usual----taking orders to my stores for soaps, hit the dollar store for some candy for stocking stuffers for at barn etc as usual.

Everything done for Christmas. Everything wrapped etc. DONE DONE DONE....not a darn thing to handle between now and Friday. WOOT!!!!

hope everyone has a great day~!
Good morning chicken wranglers
It is wet again.Raining and perhaps ice later today. 14 eggs yeaterday ,guess the girls are back to normal.I currently have 12 dozen in the fridge cant keep up need to sell some . Even the grump shep lab carrying the coyote pups gets an egg a day in her food.Santa is prepping his mud wagon for his travel through my area how bought your area?
morning all.. coffee has been on for a while, but i cant ever seem to sit for long!! i have to make pies today. im blessed! i have been getting 5 eggs a day!! WOOHOOO! goooo chickies!

we are so blessed, we may not have much money, but we have food in the cupboards, friends all around.... im in a very good mood today! i hope its catchy!
Good Afternoon everyone, coffee has been over for some time. It is Lunch time already.

I need to do the DEED today! Mr. Peep is getting worse. I can not stand watching him suffer any longer. This is going to be really hard. It will be quick. I gave him some warm rice for breakfast. He didn't ever open his eyes. Later I went back and he had gotten out of the nest and had eaten about 1/2 of the rice. He could not even stand up. That was enough for me. I guess he just fell out.

Hope everyone stays warm.

Karl, did you get your Deer yet? My area got quite a bit of rain and a wind storm, combined. Dropped down to freezing. I'm glad I put the heat lamp back in the baby kids coop. They were as snug as a bug in a rug.

Got my H1N1 shot day before yesterday. I had the regular flu shot as soon as they were out.
Tonopah - I'm glad you got the H1N1 shot. I have been laid up with H1N1 for over a week and see no end in sight. It seems to be a flu that drags on forever. If it weren't for my chickens, I would never get out of bed. But the days are getting light now, albeit six or eight seconds a day, so spring will come.

Happy Holidays Everyone!
Merry Christmas chicken wranglers
Tonopah the deer have been safe for 3 weeks. All that should end sooon 3 weeks left of the deer season ,2weekends firearms and 3 weeks archery. Mayall chicken wranglers and non" chicken people "have a blessed Christmas season. By for now and God bless you one and all.
While I did take 7 deer this year not one of them looked like they might be used to wearing harness so I'm sure Santa will be able to haul everyone's presents. Merry Christmas all
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Good morning from Arizona. Boy oh boy it got down to freezing last night. I'm glad I put the heat light back in the Baby's coop.

Kismet, I am sorry to here that you have that nasty H1N1. The first time I tried to get the shot, I was told I did not meet the criteria. When i went to pick up my script at Walgreens, They were giving the shot and only had 3 doses left. I got the shot right then. I am so glad I did. I have been really worried about not having the shot. I hope you get well soon.

Well, Mr. Peep has gone to Chicken Heaven. I choose not to eat him. I didn't think it would bother me as it has. He was my first baby Chicken. His mother got killed when he was 2 days old. I hand raised him for a couple of weeks in a tote in my Bed room. I would take him outside every day. I made a little pen around a Hutch. I brought him in the house each night. it was in Jan. last year. It was pretty cold. The little guy would run to me when he saw me. I would put my hand down and he would come and set down in my hand. When he got bigger I could call his name and he would come. He was pretty tame until he grew up. He then did his Rooster stuff. I shall miss him.

RIP Mr. Peep

Merry Christmas everyone. Have a fun and safe holiday. God Bless

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