Coffee's ready...

Good morning all you flock tenders.
Luicc,i n newchickmom09 grab a chair enjoy ur coffee
with the rest of us.
I have the inside done 3 cats 1 hen in the pantry cage.too young go out

a load of clothes in the washer. and pound cake in the oven

now its off to carry some nice warm oatmeal
for the rest, we have been hoping for some warmer weather,
March 20 seems so far away. isnt that the first day of spring ...humm
will it ever come around.
have a good day and enjoy what ever you do,
Morning all. Was a balmy 45 degrees here yesterday. Woo-hoo! It was so awesome even my
rooster came outside into his run! Maybe his depression is easing up! Took down one of my
treestands yesterday...
I always hate this time of the year... Well, have a good one everybody!
Good morning chicken wranglers
How is everyone doing now that the weather is warmer? Me i'm doing fine, my girls gave me 7 eggs before breakfast this ,morning so i'm happy as a pig in a wallow. Should be a nice day today and we are all ready for weather above the teens.Have a great week end and God bless!
good morning everyone...
going to be a balmy 44 degrees here today. Beach weather. Some of our snow will melt, but we are supposed to have another snow on Monday to replace it. Time to build a new snowman.

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