Coffee's ready...

I've known several people who have litter trained rabbits so that they can keep them as pets and give them run of the house. I knew you guy who said it was quite easy to litter train but he never could break the rabbit from chewing lamp cords. Stupid rabbit finally electrocuted itself. Personally I'd rather skillet train them for a meal.
Good morning all..
had the first cup of great tasting coffee, and ready for another.
Karl, yes you can train a Wabbit to litter box.
I had a large cage on the back porch with the litter box inside,
on top of newspapers.
he took care of business, then after 2 weeks, I pulled the litter box
out side the cage door and would leave the door opened
and it worked. the out house was used.
Hope it works for you. or
else buy tiny baby diapers.

you all have a great holiday.
I have more baking to do.
Morning everyone. We finally have some really nice weather. The hens are enjoying their free
ranging time and are getting fattened up with all the bugs and worms - and spiders!
Some of them will follow me around as I flip over bricks and rocks so they can chow down on what's underneath. Our Dominique hens are the smartest girls, they just don't miss anything! Hope spring is treating everyone well. Enjoy the coffee!
Oh yea! It's gonna be a great day!

I swear my chickens were mad at me as they held out on the eggs for the last 4-5 days and then yesterday got 6 of 7. Maybe they love me again?

Bees been wearing me out! Keeping me very busy!

I'm worn out but ain't complaining. Its been a long winter, glad spring is here!

A fat cup of coffee sounds real good about now.

Good morning coffee lovers and flock tenders
I was out early and did what needed to be done.
Scoop, luv ur purritty berddy.
We are enjoying the beautifull weather that we have had the last 2 days.
It puts a little more pep into my step.

you'all have a super week-end
Happy Easter.

Scoop, hello there neighbor from Schuylkill County!

Aaah, a day off. After having to leave work early yesterday for some problems due to my 9 year old daughter, I have decided to have a great day today! She is now grounded at least until summer break from school, and she will be helping me with everthing - and I mean everything for the next few months.

With that said, my helper and I are going to head out to breakfast, then up to Tractor Supply. I need to get 3 bundles of wood chips to put my 4 week old chicks out in the "chick section" of my coop. The rubbermaid container brooder looks large for awhile, but then they reach the "dinosaur stage"... It's warm enough now, especially with the light on, they'll be fine. Besides, I need the brooder for my 3 new chicks that hatched from my own chickens' eggs this week!

After a visit to TSC, we're headed to the grocery store or Walmart to stock up on Easter Basket items! I have 6 nieces and nephews ages 5 and under (from my 3 brothers), and holidays are just so stinking awesome with the little kids! We are spending Easter at our Mom's house, and with all the kids, we are re-visiting all of the old traditions from when we were kids. I just love it! This past Christmas was so cool, and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow! Of course, Aunt Laura is bringing all of the Easter Eggs for the egg hunt. We have all different sizes and colors (including a huge brown double-yolker), and we have decided to NOT dye our eggs. This'll be the first year for this new tradition, since this time last year all of my chickens were chicks! For next year, Aunt Laura will be bringing blue eggs from Aracaunas (ordered from hinkjc, and I'll be getting them at the Chickenstock on May 23)!!!!

At 5:00 tonight, we're headed down the street to the auction, and the small animal auction starts at 6:30. I love it! It's not a "bad" auction, it's actually pretty nice. I've been to an auction where the animals were "manhandled". This auction has a woman and 2 teenage boys that handle the animals, and they pet the animals and treat them with respect. I really do enjoy going also so I can talk with other "chicken" people. I have met some nice folks there. With all that being said, 3 weeks ago I bought 2 beautiful "show quality" RIR bantam hens. They appeared healthy the first 2 weeks, but then one started sneezing and a few days ago I noticed her right eye was slightly swollen. She's been on Duramycin for 2 days now, and I already notice that the swelling is completely gone... Very cool! But because of this, I am a huge supporter of quarantining. It would have been horrible if all my birds started sneezing.

Anyway, I'm done "talking". Ah, so much to look forward to. I need think about positive things, especially when the DD acts up and bring me down...

Have a great day everyone! Thanks for "listening"!!!

Edited to correct grammar...
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chickylaura, it sounds like you all will be having a great week-end.
its the best when you have littles ones to share with,
Take pics.and share with us..
Iam still trying to learn how to transfer from my camera, what time
Iam having, one Egg head here.
Happy Easter everbody!

Sissy - I'm still waiting for you pics! I just gotta see your silkies!
Now go get the manual that came with your camera and study!!!
(that's what I had to do!

ChickyLaura - Okay, you mentioned an auction. Where? When? Is it on a regular basis? I just love auctions, you can get so many good deals. Which TSC do you go to? Nescopeck or Bloomsburg (or other) ? You can PM me if you want. I went to Bloom yesterday just to take a look at the peeps. All the ducks were sold out as well as the rabbits. Right now they have RIR pullets, assorted bantoms, and some straight run. I picked up some wood chips, too, for our little fluffball that will be soon going out to the coop.

thechickengoesRAWR - that is actually a Dominique, a mutt. She is so intelligent. I always think of her when people say how dumb chickens are. Ummm, NOT!

Karl, can you post a pic of the new rabbit? I'd love to see it!

Well I'm heading out for a lovely stroll in the woods, then making dinner. Otherwise if anyone needs me, I'll be out at the coops!

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