Coffee's ready...

Morning folks, got a phone call so had to get up.

I have to say I bought a Cuisinat coffee maker and it makes coffee very fast. Expensive definitely $100, and I have had to return one and this one I have now is a replacement but I love it. It's the kind where you put your cup underneath and press pour. No carafe to drop and break.

Que: Weather here is cool too, have to get the run done before the snow flies. Bought three more panels to go over the top, the rest will have to stay tarp with plywood underneath. The second run the same as i can't afford to cover it with a more permanent material. Tarps go on sale somewhere I can't remember but not til next week. Did up somemore tomatoes but no room in the freezer. I'm trying to find a cheap water pot for jars I bought last year. Nothing kills a garden faster than having jars to can stuff, which is what happened last year. DW likes tomatos to make chili.

Sissy: I don't think we have any molasses. Had an eldery neighbor lady who used to make cookies for Christmas. They're a fond memory. DW does all the cooking and she is good at cookies and desserts. Does wedding cakes and all sorts of stuff like that. Have to diet all year to prepare too gorge yourself at Christmastime. She rarely gets left off the list of invites for the cookie exchange.
Sorry to hear about your chicken losses but I still say have your DH or DS's p@#s on wooden things around the yard. Nothing like the smell of a human to keep critters away. It must work cuz we haven't smelled a skunk all year and we usually do at least two or three times. None this year though. I do my "watering" in the evening. I figure I'm less likely to scare the neighbors. Not that I care if they move away with those nasty cats and dog. Now that I think of it I haven't seen the rabbits in the yard for a while. I do hope they're ok. She's got one nextdoor that's a hunter. I've got a trap and I may catch her stupid cat and take it to the pound.

Chicks: I always feel bad breaking a broody and if it doesn't work quickly I just give them two or three eggs of my choosing.

Oesdog: Saw Tony Blairs book on sale here.
I haven't got anything to take a pic except a couple of afgans and some unfinished mittens. I give everything away. I do mittens on four needles and I like to do them except I hate the thumbs. My exSIL taught me that too. She's dead now though. Idle hands are the devils work shop as they say.
I too have a wounded chick, though no vet can fix it. Here's a pic. Not sure how it happened and she doesn't use the wing much. I've been smearing everything with neosporin to keep it moist. I suppose I should have put her down but she's to strong and I expect she'll probably be a better egg layer than some who aren't wounded. She must know what my pastor preached about one time. "Nevery Give Up". Don't remember all the scriptures he used but just remember that and it keeps me going to church and on the right path.

Take care and Love ya all, praying Gods' finest for each and every chicken friend.


Oh Rancher, what a precious chickie. I wouldn't put her (or him) down. You just never know, that little bird could lead a very productive life in spite of its injury.
Cooler weather here again this morning, 62. Should be a sun filled afternoon in the 70's.
Hope you are all enjoying the coffee today. DD said that I need to tell you all that when she made me coffee the other day I hadn't even asked her to do so. She did it on her own. Sweet, huh?

Have a nice day all!!!
Oh, oesdog, glad to hear that your little one is still hanging in there, I was relieved to hear it. And Sissy, you lost another???!!!
If I could just get my hands on the critter that's swiping your dear chickies!

Bye, guys!
Ok it was Knitted and - I am an awful speller and hate English! So you guys will just have to take it on the chin - I know it annoys you because your a bunch of teachers!!!

News on the chick. - SHe is still hanging in there but the news isn;t good at all.
She is disabled - that is the issue. Betty has buldozed her over and hurt her and she couldn;t get to her feed and thats how she got more issues with the vitamins. She has gotten very weak. BLue also lost a bit of weight so he needs biult up too! Only poor Betty is the smallest in the other group now as well? Will need to watch her.

The big problem with Omlet is her breast bone is growing curved which throws the legs off. Eventually she wont be able to stand. - not good news for a big hen! I am wraking my brains on how I am going to hand feed her and make a cart for her! The Vet says a cull but she isn;t in pain and she isn;t doing any harm. The problems will come later when she needs to get her food and lay her eggs and roost. - All these issues we will have to think through with disability aids. Yeap HE said shes a cull - but she is also my pet and I love her. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am well used to disability here. DH says he wont kill her unless she is in pain and suffering. So after her issues with Betty we will have to watch what we do with her around other chickens. All the dreams of mateing her with Blue are out the window. But he loves her and she likes to watch him so we will try to keep her around as long as we can but no babies for her! I can;t see Gerty the other Maran wanting Blue near her so chances of that illusive Blue/green egg layer are farther and father away!!!! How can I get round this deformity???? Omlet needs to be able to lay and have dust baths and watch the others in the yard. - Oh well wheelchair bird?????? Is it better to try or die??????? She is happy right now. At least I can fix this bit for now and biuld her up a bit again.

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Good morning everyone from sunny AZ. we have gotten some cooler weather this past week. sure feels good.
I have to put my Frizzle Bantam Rooster "BatMan" into freezer camp. He is tearing the feathers out of all my girls, He has one Bantam Frizzle hens back and head with no feathers at all. I hate to do the deed as he is so handsome and a nice guy otherwise. I just can't stand seeing all my girls with feathers missing.
Got up at 4:00am so my coffee is long gone.
Sorry about the little chick. I think I would give it a chance.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Good morning everyone from sunny AZ. we have gotten some cooler weather this past week. sure feels good.
I have to put my Frizzle Bantam Rooster "BatMan" into freezer camp. He is tearing the feathers out of all my girls, He has one Bantam Frizzle hens back and head with no feathers at all. I hate to do the deed as he is so handsome and a nice guy otherwise. I just can't stand seeing all my girls with feathers missing.
Got up at 4:00am so my coffee is long gone.
Sorry about the little chick. I think I would give it a chance.
Hope everyone has a great day!
I had a red friz bantam , Cowboy Curtiss , I sold him and wish I hadn't I miss him. I couldn't breed him to Frenchy my friz hen but I should have kept him just the same.
Good morning chicken wranglers
Sorry about the roo Tono.My choice is not to keep many roos any more, because of how hard they are on my hens.
I have 3 out of 90 chickens and that is all I will keep.
Gotta work have a great day and remember with God all things are possible.God Bless.
Morning folks, school today, chicken or bean? large, medium or small? Forgot to look at the menu. If it's something the kids don't like they eat alot of soup.

Karl I 've got 3 and only 21 hens. Do some folks keep a seperate pen for the roos to give the hens a break? I've got poor Frenchy seperated with Buckwheat (hen) cuz she's so bald and needs a rest. She's a sweet little bantam friz. I used to have a really nice CM roo (Eric) but he had to go cuz he was to hard on the girls. That and no one around here wanted CM chicks. I don't know why cuz they were good winter layers as are my Dels.

He and Nick got into it one time and they were both bloody though Nick got the worst. I kept them seperated after that. They used to live together but when I seperated them for awhile they could never go back together. Now Nick runs around the yard and there is Georgia boy and a lave amer. They don't seem to bother each other much. Though I did see Nick and Georgia boy get in each others faces they back away and that was that.

Well have a nice day
Good morning, all! It's a lovely and cool (for us) morning here in North Central Florida - 73 degrees. We have a cloudless sky. There's a hummingbird feeding at my window and all is well with the critters and family. Seems like a good start to the day. Hope you all have a good one.
Good morning all...yes, I am well aware that it is after 1 pm. Some of us dont get up with the chickens, though, having to work night shift--so I am just now waking up & enjoying Folger's in my cup & catching up on all the goings on! Hope everyone has an awesome day!

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