Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

Oh, my goodness, how I wish I had a big pond. LOL They all are so cute!!
I'm going to use the trough my chickies are brooding in. It's about a foot deep and 5 feet across galvanized. Has a drain plug on side so it'll make it easier to drain. I think it will last me longer than a plastic kiddie pool. Chick house is going up fairly quick now, so it will be free to use soon!
Yes, to answer your question. LOL I did have a kiddie pool and amazingly it lasted two whole years but I ended up with way too many ducks for it.
those Sebbies are the most beautiful birds aren't they? But they all are beautiful when they are ducklings, chicks, goslings, etc.
Miss Prissy - those are adorable! I didn't realize that Sebs could have other than orange beaks! So much to learn!!!

My 7 go out of the incubator on Monday - sitting on pins and needles! 3 more after that, and 3 in her nest and one about to be laid. Soooo fun!

Thanks for sharing your pics!

The wanna be farmer
Just sit here and read the entire thread. Congrats to everyone who has hatched these adorable Sebbies! I have two girls and love them dearly.
Best wishes on the rest of the hatches!
I followed the thread right now, and felt my heart beating as though I were reading a wonderful adventure book! I'll be getting a Sebbie in about two weeks from Metzner Farms and can hardly wait.



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