Comb bloody & dangling this morning - a Hen Fight?

She’s pretty much healed up but unfortunately she’s scared to death to be in the flock. There are a couple of girls who have jumped on her, at once, and I’ve had to tap them hard with my finger and tell them no. Strongly. They don’t seem to learn. They’re so mean!
I’m having to babysit them to keep her from getting pecked and she has become dependent on me for protection. I don’t have time to babysit, I have a life.
I have “jailed” in a crate one in particular Perp #1 that goes after her regularly. Kept her in crate overnight Not sure it’s helping. Very very discouraged. Hubby & I Try to encourage her to mix with the flock but she runs up in the coop to hide.
She just seems afraid of them all and runs away.
All because SHE was the one who was injured - not her fault. Maybe theirs or accident.
we’re keeping her in the coop at night with the others. last night when I was busy my husband said Perp #1 started to attack her in the coop at bedtime. He yelled at her and pushed her away but did not crate her. I just hate it that they’re fighting with the wounded one like this but don’t know what to do
Any suggestions or ideas?

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