Come On AC we want some eggs!

AC turned 41 weeks old today. She still has not laid an egg. The double yolker I found must have been from my White Leghorn who was temporarily having laying issues - probably due to molting. I'm so bummed for her. She is so sweet and playful - I would hate to have to say goodbye to her. I plan to wait it out to her 1 year birthday and if she's still not laying by that date - well, we may have to decide another fate for her. :(
Did you ever feel her pelvic bones? When I see a new egg I always do the pelvic test.
Hmmm - that sounds interesting - I've never done that.  I'm not sure I would know where her pelvic bones were located.  What exactly do you do for the pelvic test?  I'm picturing taking her to an OBGYN haha! 

Hahaha! Right above her vent you should feel around for 2 bones side by side. If you can fit 2 whole fingers in-between that usually means that she can or has been laying. I've read that some hens' pelvic bones might be too small to ever lay. I'll look for the link I learned that from. Lol
I think I might rather refer her to a good OBGYN - that sounds a little uh - dangerous to me.

She's sweet, but only to a point. If I start feeling around back there I may not have two fingers to use the next time.
Okay I read that thread - NYREDS reply was hysterical. But I also followed the link to that coop article. I understand where to put my hand now - I probably could get 4 fingers behind her, but she's definitely not laying. So I wonder if she's close. I'll try it tonight when I lock them up and see just how many fingers I can get across. If she's laying then she must be doing it very covertly because I watch them all the time and she's often in my sight.
Well I was wrong. She definitely isn't laying yet. I felt both bones and managed to get two or possibly three fingers from bone to bone. So hopefully soon she will mature enough to lay. Interesting. Maybe I'll try the same thing with my layers and see if I can tell how many fingers for each of them. Thanks for the tip.
Well I was wrong. She definitely isn't laying yet. I felt both bones and managed to get two or possibly three fingers from bone to bone. So hopefully soon she will mature enough to lay. Interesting. Maybe I'll try the same thing with my layers and see if I can tell how many fingers for each of them. Thanks for the tip.

Well the finger thing doesn't work for all situations. My EE is barely 3 fingers, but she lays a medium size egg. My lavender orpingtons are another story, I think I could get two hands back there on them. Big butt ladies :)
Happy 44th week birthday AC, can you believe you are that old? Wow! From a tiny little fuzzybutt chick to a beautiful loving pullet, you have grown with fondness in our hearts as well.

Hey, I just wanted you to know that Sunny, the EE/WL pullet, who turned 18 weeks on Saturday, has been spotted hanging out in the coop with the rooster, eating oyster shells & layer feed, entering/exiting the nest boxes and is getting mated pretty regularly by Spots. Not to be pushy, but if you don't hurry up she's going to beat you to laying her first egg.

So, no pressure, but...WHERE'S MY EGG!

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