
Since this is my first year keeping chickens I tossed all of the leaves this past fall. I will know to save them for next year. My girls are 26 weeks old and they did surprisingly well during the last cold snap. I am sure they will weather this storm just fine. They will even hang outside once I shovel their pen. Otherwise they squawk at me from the doorway! Lol So far we have about 3-4 inches and I suspect that we will wind up with more than the 10 inches we are expecting on the coast.

So glad it's lightweight fluffy snow

Edited to add: Oh by the way, the hawk still has an eye on our girls -when I went out this morning I heard "him" cry out from a tree somewhere and a short while later a shadow flew over us, but I didn't get a look at him because the sun was in my eyes.
No worries, they are still locked up... they hate snow & taking no chances anytime in the near future either.
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We have a good hawk population here too. The crows are usually a good indicator of a hawk in the area- when I hear them squawking it really makes you pay attention. So far we haven't lost one to a hawk, but not for lack of trying.
II— I am in New Haven a block from the Quinnipiac River. Our girls have a beautiful waterfront view. Lol I have 8 chickens in total. Supposed to have 6 by ordinance but we take good care of them and no one complains because no one sees them unless they are looking for them. Right now 6 are 27 weeks old and in the coop and 2 are about 12 weeks old and still in the house. Can't wait to put them in the coop too. They are noisy. The two of them make more noise than the other 6 together! Lol.
Hi, I am in Wallingford, and my 6 girls are doing well even with this cold weather. I do have to change their water often because it freezes, but otherwise they have been managing. The coop is insulated and they keep themselves warm. My only problem is that I have found frozen eggs. Does anyone know if frozen eggs are still good?
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Wallingford. I have 6 too. Even though this is by far the coldest winter i've ever experienced, and one of my girls decided to molt in the middle of it we are doing OK. I have had to give them some extra heat a couple of times but just a 60 wt ceramic bulb seems to be enough.
BTW, :welcome  [COLOR=333333]Wallingford. I have 6 too. Even though this is by far the coldest winter i've ever [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]experienced, and one of my girls decided to molt in the middle of it we are doing OK. I have had to give them some extra heat a couple of times but just a 60 wt ceramic bulb seems to be enough. [/COLOR]

We are having a cold winter but this is actually how winters were for a long time during the 70's and 80's,but we've been spoiled for the past several years which is fine with me because I hate the cold.

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